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Conservative Movie "Unplanned" Being Censored By Twitter?!


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Apr. 2 2019

Conservative Movie "Unplanned" Being Censored By Twitter?! A conservative film called Unplanned was briefly suspended by Twitter and as per usual it was later restored with Twitter saying it was just another mistake.

But these mistakes tend to always flow in one direction, taking down primarily conservative accounts. Following the suspension several people notice another odd behavior. When they would try to follow Unplanned they would come back to find they no longer followed the account.

This could be a result of weird issues that occur when Twitter suspends an account but it has been several days later and this weird phenomenon is still happening.

The issue of Free Speech and censorship of social media is coming to a tipping point with politicians like Dan Crenshaw and even Donald Trump calling out the censorship. But we do have a state level bill in Florida that seeks to prevent censorship on social media.

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