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Diehards Pushing that Trump Campaign Did Collude with Russia


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Attorney General William Barr announced Sunday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller found that President Trump’s campaign did not collude with Russia during the 2016 election, but some diehards are continuing to push the narrative that there was collusion.

Of course Trump colluded with Russia,” the New York Magazine‘s Jonathan Chait wrote on Sunday, arguing unequivocally that there really was collusion, but that it did not rise to the level of criminality.

He then tweeted a cherrypicked paragraph from a Lawfare piece that was overall positive for the president but suggested that Barr’s announcement “would be consistent” with a Mueller report that finds “lots of ‘evidence of collusion’ that for one reason or another falls short of criminal conduct.” (A following sentence in the Lawfare piece added, “Our point here is not that the report suggests any of these things.)

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) also argued that Mueller did not find “sufficient” evidence of collusion, and suggested there was evidence of “Russian offers to help Trump’s campaign” and “their acceptance.”


The Denial river runs deep...

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