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Mueller investigation finds no Trump campaign conspiracy with Russia


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Zachary Basu

Mar. 24 2019

After taking the weekend to pore over the Mueller report, Attorney General William Barr has sent Congress his summary of the "principal conclusions" from the special counsel's 675-day investigation into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia.

The bottom line: "[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government b]in its election interference activities." On the question of obstruction of justice, Barr writes that while Mueller's report *does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."





* ie....Donald Trump Did Not Say/ or put into writing 1. We are Not Going to Collude With The Russians 2. Don't Do Anything To Obstruct Justice.  Therefor he May Have.

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Robert Mueller's report and the Twitter tale of two truths

Tom Rogan

March 24, 2019

If you thought the Russian collusion story would end with special counsel Robert Mueller's report, think again.

Evidencing the calcifying partisanship that will define the reaction to this report, President Trump's respective supporters and opponents have focused on two different toplines from Attorney General William Barr's outline of the report in a letter to Congress.

For Trump's supporters, the takeaway is Mueller's assessment that his "investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."

For Trump's opponents, the takeaway is Mueller's assessment that "while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him." That clarification applies to Mueller's investigation into whether Trump obstructed justice in relation to the investigation. Barr's letter states that he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein do not believe there is sufficient evidence to warrant the president's prosecution for obstruction of justice.


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Barr’s summary letter

Scott Johnson

Mar. 24 2019

Attorney General Barr’s summary of the Mueller report has just been posted on Scribd. I am embedding it below. It is easily accessible elsewhere. I think there is no substitute for reading the summary letter yourself and I commend it to your attention. Barr’s letter indicates his scrupulous compliance with the applicable regulation and his intent to go beyond it so far as is possible while preserving grand jury secrecy.

This investigation is the product of a Clinton campaign fabrication. That’s why the investigation was a witch hunt. It is also why the finding of no collusion is unsurprising to anyone who has paid attention with a modicum of impartiality and critical intelligence. The finding of no obstruction is made by Attorney General Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein. If there was no collusion, they suggest, there was highly likely no obstruction and in fact they find that Mueller did not identify any actions that in the judgment of Barr and Rosenstein constituted obstructive conduct. See page 3, paragraph 3.

While investigations and prosecutions will continue for the foreseeable future, we can turn out the lights on the Mueller investigation; the party’s over. Mainstream media hardest hit.




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Sharyl Attkisson asks the key question post-Mueller report

Now that we know the entire theory of Trump-Russia “collusion” cooked up by the Hillary campaign was a pure fiction, it is time start inflicting the consequences on the miscreants. But that’s a process that could take time if and when AG Barr, or maybe US Attorney Peter Huber – commissioned by former AG Sessions to investigate possible FBI abuses – present evidence of criminality to a grand jury.

In the meantime, there is some posterior-kicking, aka public shaming, due. And, I think Sharyl Attkisson has identified the first targets in need of disgrace, especially because of where that disgrace will lead:

"If Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Power, Comey genuinely believed Trump "colluded" with Russia and he didn't, what does that say about the judgement of our one-time top intel types?" :snip:

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50+ Journalists, Politicians, Celebrities, and Grifters Who Peddled the Russia Collusion Hoax


In 2016, corrupt Democrat partisans both in and out of government, along with their allies in the media, were desperate to stop the Trump juggernaut and used every tool at their disposal to do it. The effort started with opposition research funded by the DNC and the Clinton campaign. Then several versions of former British spy Christopher Steele's anti-Trump dossier were delivered to the FBI, each from a different messenger: the late Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.), Mother Jones reporter David Corn, and Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson.

Then the FBI counterintelligence investigation began and subsequent FISA warrants were secured, citing a Yahoo News article that was based on the sketchy dossier. Finally, Mueller was called in to finish the job in May of 2017 and hopefully deliver the death blow to the new president.

But "Mueller Time" arrived, and it didn't deliver the coup de grace to President Trump that Democrats and their allies in the media were hoping for. In fact, it did the opposite. It has delivered the coup de grace to Trump's nemesis -- the Russia-obsessed media. How many Americans are now looking at the media with a mixture of pity, disgust, and suspicion after being forced to listen to them caterwauling about Russia! Russia! Russia! for three long years? And how many Americans believed every word of it and are now having trouble processing the "disappointing" truth that our president is not "Putin's Puppet"?:snip:

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