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CNN Reacts to Mueller News: ‘Huge Victory for the President,’ Trump ‘Vindicated’


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A panel on CNN’s Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer reacted live on air to news that the Mueller report has concluded and resulted in no new indictments by admitting that President Trump has won a “huge victory.”

“He’s been vindicated by them,” Evan Pérez said of President Trump and the Mueller report.

“And then he’s now vindicated, exactly,” Gloria Borger said.

“You know–how do you manage that politically? I mean, we obviously can’t jump the gun here. We have to see what comes out from Barr, and what’s in the report. But if I’m at Mar-A-Lago with the president, as Pamela has been reporting, the lawyers are … that I would be very happy,” she added.

Later, a panel member concluded that the Mueller report was in fact a “huge victory” for President Trump.

“A couple of victories here,” CNN’s Shimon Prokupecz said.

“The president did not have to sit down for an interview. They were so concerned about that, because he’d get caught up in lies–and there’d be perjury traps. Okay, so that’s now over. No more people being indicted. Sealed, unsealed–no more indictments. Mueller is done. Huge victory for the president,” he said.

Special counsel Robert Mueller concluded the Russia investigation and turned over his report to Attorney General Willian Barr Friday afternoon. According to multiple reports, there will be no further indictments in the report, sealed or unsealed.


Let the wailing and gnashing of teeth begin...

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