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Mueller submits long-awaited Russia probe report to Justice Department


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Elizabeth Zwirz, Alex Pappas

Mar 22 2019

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has submitted to Attorney General Bill Barr his long-awaited report on the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential race and possible collusion with Trump associates -- marking the end of the politically explosive probe and the beginning of a new battle over its contents and implications.

Mueller is "not recommending any further indictments," a senior DOJ official told Fox News.

The report was delivered Friday afternoon to the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s office and it was delivered to Barr’s office within minutes, a senior DOJ official told Fox News. The White House was notified that the DOJ had received the report around 4:45 p.m., before lawmakers on Capitol Hill were informed. Neither the White House or Congress have seen the actual report.


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MSNBC’s Chris Matthews livid over Mueller report: ‘How could they let Trump off the hook?’

MSNBC host Chris Matthews expressed outrage on Friday upon hearing reports that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had completed his Russia investigation and submitted it to the attorney general -- with further indictments not expected.

Matthews began his show by summarizing the breaking news, but stressed that Mueller handed his report to the Department of Justice “without ever directly interviewing the president of the United States.”

“That means no charges against the president, his children or his associates after all those meetings with the Russians,” a visibly upset Matthews told his viewers.





Tingles has his panties in a bunch.

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Byron York: Five things that didn't happen in the Mueller investigation

Robert Mueller has delivered his report on the Trump-Russia investigation to Attorney General William Barr. Sometime soon, perhaps within hours, Barr will send the report's "principal conclusions" to Congress. It will first go to the chairperson and ranking member of both the House and Senate Judiciary committees. It is unclear what will happen after that, but certainly other lawmakers will see the document, and there will be a steady stream of leaks of what is in the report.


The Mueller investigation is over, and it is apparently the case that Mueller does not recommend any new indictments.

At this point, it is not possible to say what is in the report. But even at this early moment, it is possible to note some things did not happen during the Mueller investigation.:snip:

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