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Filed under: General — Dana @ 10:35 am 


 [guest post by Dana]

In the ongoing unraveling that is the current Democrat party, Rep. Omar and her bigoted comments continue to be a wedge in the party ofinclusiveness. A mere three weeks ago, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi condemned Rep. Omar’s anti-Semitic tweets, saying:

“Congresswoman Omar’s use of anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s supporters is deeply offensive,” said Pelosi, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn and other party leaders in a statement. “We condemn these remarks and we call upon Congresswoman Omar to immediately apologize for these hurtful comments.“


Pelosi said in a tweet that Monday that she had talked with Omar and the two of them “agreed that we must use this moment to move forward as we reject anti-Semitism in all forms.“

As a result of the rebuke, Omar was compelled to apologize for her comments  :snip: 

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9 hours ago, SrWoodchuck said:



1. Simplistic to say the least.

2. So what is the solution? Go to war with 1.5 Billion people? What Could Possibly go Wrong?

3. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This applies in physics and (I strongly suspect) in politics/culture

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8 hours ago, Valin said:


1. Simplistic to say the least.

2. So what is the solution? Go to war with 1.5 Billion people? What Could Possibly go Wrong?

3. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This applies in physics and (I strongly suspect) in politics/culture

1. Simple is best. (Keep It Simple, Stupid)

2. The solution? There may be none at the present time. We will not go to war with 1.5 Billion people. (Your observation there...is hyperbole.) Anything can and usually does go wrong. The best laid plans for war, seldom survive the first 15 minutes. That does not mean that a meme can't adequately illustrate the actual process used by Wahhabist Muslims in their effort to either put Dar-al-Harb (The World of War-or...Lands remaining to be put under Islam) into the Ummah...or kill the men and enslave the women and children. 1,400 years and their goals and actions remain unchanged.

3. Yes. It is better to know your enemy and take them at their word, as proven by their action. Not all Muslims. Even the Muslims who are not Wahhabist, will remain mute or be coerced into action due the Islams rule of apostasy. We don't need to kill them. They are hostages. We need to wage war against those that will do us harm in real time. We need to be prepared. We effectively wiped out ISIS as soon as we had a President that turned our armed forces...and our partners in this action...loose to prosecute war against them. Additionally, Turkey and Iran are not moved by appeasement. They are only moved by strength, will, focus and power. I don't think we need to do any more "nation building" by gutting a country that wishes America harm. We do need to use the tools we have at hand: the military, sanctions and financial incentives...but most of all...power and the will to use it effectively. To that end...we must be informed and ready...not seeking peace at any price...but a just peace that comes from your adversary knowing exactly what you are willing to do and then doing it...until peace is their only alternative. 

Muslims have more innocent blood on their hands in 1,400 years than almost any other group...religious or secular. Being intentionally unaware of their past is criminally and even fatally stupid. Nothing in the meme is untrue.

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