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U.S. Opposes U.N. Effort to Advance a Global Framework on Migration – Including Illegal Immigration


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(CNSNews.com) – Representatives of more than 150 countries are meeting in Morocco on Monday to formally adopt a “compact” on migrants – an initiative which the Trump administration calls an attempt to “globalize migration governance at the expense of state sovereignty.”

Coming five months after the U.N. General Assembly put the finishing touches on the “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration” (GCM), the two-day gathering in Marrakesh follows a string of recent setbacks, with at least ten countries having distanced themselves from the initiative.

Many are in Europe where, three years after the migration crisis peaked, right-wing and far-right parties are leading opposition to the GCM, driven largely by concerns similar to those cited by President Trump’s administration.

‘Foreign nationals who are not lawfully present are not “irregular” ’

Proponents emphasize that the GCM is non-binding and merely promotes a common global approach to migrant flows, while explicitly underlining each county’s sovereign rights.

But critics have raised numerous concerns, among them the fact the “holistic” document does not outright condemn “irregular” migration – one of 23 key objectives is to “enhance availability and flexibility of pathways for regular migration” – or adequately distinguish between regular and irregular migration.:snip:

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