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The Greatest Hysteria in American History


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The Greatest Hysteria in American History


Dennis Prager Posted: Jul 24, 2018 12:01 AM


The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent the views of Townhall.com.|

You and I are living through the greatest mass hysteria in American history. For many Americans, the McCarthy era held that dubious distinction, but what is happening now is incomparably worse.

For one thing, any hysteria that existed then was directed against the greatest evil in the world at the time: communism. Then-Sen. Joseph McCarthy and the House Un-American Activities Committee notwithstanding, there really were Americans in important positions who supported communist regimes enslaving their populations and committing mass murder. McCarthy was on to something.

In contrast, the country is choking on hysteria over the extremely unlikely possibility -- for which there is still no evidence -- that Donald Trump's campaign colluded with the Russian government to meddle in the 2016 presidential election, and the absurdity that President Trump works for Russian President Vladimir Putin.  :snip: 

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8 minutes ago, Draggingtree said:

The Greatest Hysteria in American History



Greatest? I don't know, but certainly the most publicized. Here's the thing, if you go 50 miles outside of the DC beltway what obsesses The Media (Left & Right)  just doesn't matter. Question: in the last 6 months how many times has someone asked your opinion on Russian Collusion? I suspect its in the (low) single digits.


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