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Thoughts from the ammo line


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Scott Johnson


Ammo Grrrll aspired to be A DIARIST FOR THE AGES. She writes:

Many years ago, I bought a six-volume set of the Diaries of Anais Nin, a famous Spanish-Cuban-French woman who chronicled every waking minute of her life in diaries. It inspired me to give it a go. Almost immediately, it became clear that she was living a much more exciting life than mine and that I was about to turn out the most boring and repetitive diary in the history of that, or any, literature.

Anais Nin (who is often a crossword puzzle answer now since “Anais” has so many vowels) wrote about having cocktails and deep conversations with Henry Miller and Gertrude Stein in Paris. She knew everyone who was anyone. She also – and I mean no “slut-shaming” judgment here – apparently had sex with everyone with a pulse on several continents. My diary quickly lapsed into grocery lists, recipes, restaurant meals I loved, and – here’s a shock! – diet failures.


Since the diary idea – called “journaling” in Lady Speak now – was such a bust, I am sticking to my strength, which is “list making.” Every single day since 7th grade, I have made a To Do List and checked off every item. If I do something NOT on the list, I PUT it on the list. And then I check it off. It is important to me to feel like I am accomplishing something. Especially in retirement, when I consider it an accomplishment to know what day of the week it is.

Mr. AG once told me that Revolutionary Hero and 2nd President, John Adams, was an inveterate daily To Do list maker. Although, while my list has items like “Drink 3 cups coffee”; “Floss twice”; “Meditate for 10 Minutes”; “Iron 4 pillowcases”; ”Think About Column”; “Maybe Start Writing Column”; and “Go to the Post Office”, John Adams’ To Do List was rather weightier:

“Contact Thom Jefferson as Writing Partner”
“Draft Declaration of Independence” with TJ
“Join 90 Revolutionary Committees, Chair 25” (Seriously)
“Brief Nap”
“Agree to be General Washington’s VP”
Become known as “The Father of the Navy”
Run for President after George

And so on…


If I believed that the United States were as anti-Semitic as the BLM people claim it is racist, I would move to Israel before I even finished this column.

The professional Grievance Grubbers promise every election to leave if their candidate loses and they never do. Liars and welshers as well as idiots. The countries they cite as Paradise have to erect barbed wire and high walls with gun turrets – Cuba, Venezuela, the former Soviet Union, North Korea, East Germany — to keep their delighted citizens IN. And we have to – please, God – have some sort of a wall to keep invaders out, since our reputation as Racist, Sexist Deplorables is not, evidently, enough to deter them.

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