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Trey Gowdy Is Retiring. What Does It Mean? Six Takeaways.


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Dan McLaughlin

January 31, 2018

Today’s big Capitol Hill bombshell: the retirements of South Carolina’s Trey Gowdy and powerful Philadelphia Democrat Bob Brady, bringing the total number of House retirements into the 50s (two-thirds of them Republicans). What does it all mean? Here are six takeaways:


Sixth, don’t cry yet for Gowdy, a former prosecutor who cited in his statement his desire to return to the judicial system. Judge Dennis Shedd of the Fourth Circuit — a federal appeals judge from South Carolina, appointed by George W. Bush — retired effective yesterday, and no nominee has yet been announced. Don’t be surprised if Gowdy is Trump’s pick to replace Shedd for a life-tenured position (and maybe an outside shot someday at the Supreme Court).





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