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Americans are Dreamers Too!


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Developing now, Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2018
    •    In his first State of the Union address, President Trump extends an 'open hand' to Democrats on immigration, touts tax cuts and issues warning on North Korea
    •    Many Democrats show frustration during Trump’s speech, refusing to applaud economic achievements, veterans and parents of MS-13 victims
    •    Trump overheard saying he backs '100 percent' releasing a controversial classified GOP memo that details alleged FISA surveillance abuses
    •    Hillary Clinton explains why she didn't fire a 2008 campaign adviser after he was accused of sexually harassing a female staffer
    •    Did former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe delayed the Hillary Clinton email probe? The Justice Department is investigating
    •    A rare phenomenon known as a 'Super Blue Blood Moon' is taking place early Wednesday morning

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The Sound of One Aisle Clapping

The radicalism of the Dems was on display at the State of the Union Address

In all of the media’s blather about bipartisanship, it never acknowledges the Democratic radicalism that makes any national unity impossible. No sooner had Trump finished the State of the Union Address — a speech that could have been delivered by any Democrat before the radicalism of the 1960s and 1970s seeped into the party — than CNN was throwing a wet blanket on it. “There will be Democrats offended by the speech,” intoned Jake Tapper. “He was selling sweet candy with poison in it,” chipped in Van Jones.
What is the sound of one aisle clapping at the most basic and blameless expressions of nationalism, the nationalism that every functioning country on earth observes? Americans heard it Tuesday night. The Democrats couldn’t clap for the flag or fighting gangs (that elicited a groan from some of them). It couldn’t clap for the national anthem, secure borders, religious liberty, even vocational training. It saw poison everywhere, though they did perk up at Trump’s mention of second chances for criminals.:snip:


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Imagining President Hillary's Press

President Trump's first State of the Union address is a fine occasion to imagine how close we came to a President Hillary Clinton. Imagine if Clinton had actually campaigned in the Midwest instead of Arizona and won the closely contested Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. (Imagine the exact same congressional results.) Then imagine the dramatic difference in tone in our "news" media and entertainment elites as she prepared to deliver her first report to the nation.

What would we have seen in President Clinton's first year?

Tweets by Donald Trump, the loser, saying that the election was "rigged" and possibly tipped by international interference through The Clinton Foundation were disparaged as not only unpatriotic but also unhinged and more than a little sexist. CNN was especially aggressive in challenging anyone who questioned the new president's physical or mental fitness. The network sent chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta to Capitol Hill to yell at Republicans and demand they distance themselves from those obnoxious conservatives who cannot concede honorably and abide by the will of the republic.

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NEW AMERICAN MOMENT: Trump Channels Reagan In Call To Make America Great Again

President Donald Trump delivered a largely conciliatory speech during his State of the Union address Tuesday.
Trump called for Congress to accept a 1.5 trillion dollar investment plan, fix the U.S. immigration system and rebuild the U.S. military, while touting the broad economic success of 2017 and the demise of the Islamic State in his tenure as commander in chief.
“We have gone forward with a clear vision and a righteous mission — to make America great again for all Americans.”:snip:

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The Shabby, Sophomoric Behavior of Democrats at the SOTU


It is difficult to imagine a more galling demonstration of incivility than the Democrats in the room for Trump's SOTU speech. They scowled, frowned, and sat on their hands throughout the speech. They could hardly be bothered to acknowledge the heroes in the audience when they were introduced. While the Dems brought illegal immigrants, Trump invited actual paragons of American character and the families of victims of illegal immigrant crimes, as well as a victim of North Korea. It was embarrassing, like watching the anti-Semites in the UN stomp out of the room when Benjamin Netanyahu speaks. How is it any different? Our Democrats behave exactly like the most racist, intolerant people on the planet, and in their own Capitol.
The Democrats loathe the tax reform that has kick-started the American economy. They abhor the return of American manufacturing and the bonuses so many companies have doled out to their employees. It was not so long ago that Obama essentially swore that "those jobs are never coming back." "Crumbs," billionaire Pelosi called their bonuses. The left today hates our military. They hate the notion of national security. Like Obama, they cannot abide the unfair advantage, as they see it, of American might, American success, and American freedom which they are always trying to impede, to restrict, to regulate and tax. The left has been doing its best to turn the United States into Venezuela for two generations. Progressivism is socialism. Venezuela is how it ends.:snip:

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There are two stories of America. One is the American story and the other the un-American story.
On one side there are pilgrims settling a new land and on the other colonists ethnically cleansing the native population. One side sees war heroes and the other sees killers. One sees brave police officers and the other genocidal bigots in uniform. One sees America. And the other hates it.
At the State of the Union, we saw those two halves divide up the House Chamber. We saw American elected officials stand for the flag, for the anthem, for veterans, for Jerusalem and for In God We Trust. And we saw the un-American officials selected by corrupt urban machine politics stay seated.
The leaders of America and un-America were there in one room while America’s story was told.
We saw heroes rise in the House Chamber and we saw the Congressional Black Caucus members in kente cloth scowling through the good news about African-American unemployment. Rep. Pelosi grimaced and Senator Schumer glared through President Trump’s appeal for bipartisanship. Senator Booker stared hatefully and Elizabeth Warren ranted hysterically on Twitter.
The Democrats and the media called the speech divisive. And it was. But not in the way they meant.:snip:

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Five Takeaways from Trump’s State of the Union

President Trump delivered his first State of the Union address on Tuesday evening. 
What were the main takeaways?

Immigration dominates

Trump’s rhetoric on immigration dominated the discussion on cable news immediately after the speech and was set to seize the headlines on Wednesday morning.
The president delivered a lengthy and emphatic defense of the administration’s position on illegal immigration in general and the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in particular.

In the signature line from the night, Trump insisted “Americans are dreamers, too” — an allusion to the name of “Dreamers” for DACA beneficiaries and to Trump’s insistence that the rights of native-born Americans should be the primary focus.
At other points, he complained about “the terrible loopholes exploited by criminals and terrorists to enter our country” and linked lax immigration policy to the activities of criminal gangs like MS-13 and to two terrorist attacks in New York.:snip:

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Is television heading for ‘dump on Trump’ overload?

From “The President Show” to “Our Cartoon President,” the laundry list of TV shows targeting President Trump is getting longer. But with still more projects poised to flood the small screen landscape, is there a danger for the entertainment industry in greenlighting so much anti-Trump fare?
“It feels like there are two Americas out there under one border,” says GOP strategist Ron Bonjean. “You have the anti-Trump crowd and then, of course, pro-Trump voters.”:snip:

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Sourpuss Democrats Self-Immolate at State of the Union

Let's give them the award straight up: Worst Performance by a Minority Party at a State of the Union Address.

(Hey, it's awards season, right?)

They broke the record. They get the prize with no runner-up for years to come.

Steny Hoyer and Nancy Pelosi watching  Trump's speech looked like a pair of sullen six-year olds on a sugar crash the day after Halloween.  Bernie Sanders looked mummified.  Schumer was slumped so deeply in his chair he was almost falling through the crack.
Other Democrats, even ones who should have known better or secretly felt otherwise, sat on their hands.  You could see them glancing at each other, wondering whether they were allowed to applaud or stand up. What a bunch of cowards.
It was a disgraceful display of bad manners, but even more it was incredibly stupid because "the whole world was watching."  The camera was getting them all in close-up.:snip:

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Trump stuns Congress with infrastructure price tag

President Trump surprised House and Senate lawmakers in his State of the Union address Tuesday by announcing a proposal to spend $1.5 trillion on the nation’s crumbling infrastructure — a half trillion more than the GOP had anticipated.
“The $1.5 trillion kind of sucked the oxygen out of the room,” Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., said as he exited the House chamber after Trump’s address.:snip:

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Trump hails ‘new American moment’ in first State of the Union address

President Trump took a victory lap on the economy Tuesday night in his first State of the Union address, declaring that his tax cuts have sparked an American revival, and reaching out to Democrats to work on problems from immigration to infrastructure.
“This is our new American moment,” Mr. Trump told Congress in a prime-time address. “There has never been a better time to start living the American dream.”
After a turbulent first year in which he often clashed with congressional Democrats, Mr. Trump appealed to liberal lawmakers to compromise on issues such as his major proposal on immigration and border security — providing a path to citizenship for 1.8 million illegal immigrant “Dreamers,” spending $25 billion to build a border wall and enacting other immigration restrictions.
Failure to reach a deal could prompt a partial government shutdown next week.:snip:

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2 hours ago, Geee said:

Trump stuns Congress with infrastructure price tag

President Trump surprised House and Senate lawmakers in his State of the Union address Tuesday by announcing a proposal to spend $1.5 trillion on the nation’s crumbling infrastructure — a half trillion more than the GOP had anticipated.
“The $1.5 trillion kind of sucked the oxygen out of the room,” Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., said as he exited the House chamber after Trump’s address.:snip:

Just Saying...................

Obama Stimulus Plan


There are Stimulus/Infrastructure Plans and there are Stimulus/Infrastructure Plans

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4 hours ago, Geee said:

Imagining President Hillary's Press

President Trump's first State of the Union address is a fine occasion to imagine how close we came to a President Hillary Clinton. Imagine if Clinton had actually campaigned in the Midwest instead of Arizona and won the closely contested Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. (Imagine the exact same congressional results.) Then imagine the dramatic difference in tone in our "news" media and entertainment elites as she prepared to deliver her first report to the nation.

What would we have seen in President Clinton's first year?

Tweets by Donald Trump, the loser, saying that the election was "rigged" and possibly tipped by international interference through The Clinton Foundation were disparaged as not only unpatriotic but also unhinged and more than a little sexist. CNN was especially aggressive in challenging anyone who questioned the new president's physical or mental fitness. The network sent chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta to Capitol Hill to yell at Republicans and demand they distance themselves from those obnoxious conservatives who cannot concede honorably and abide by the will of the republic.

Imagining President Hillary's Press       Please no thank you :lmfao:

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Trump’s SOTU Triumph, Democrats’ Defeat


Jon Gabriel, Ed.

January 30, 2018


 At 5,100 words, President Trump’s first State of the Union address was one of the longest on record. But that’s not the only reason Democrats were checking their watches. Trump set aside his bombastic communications style to solemnly deliver the most conservative SOTU since the Reagan era. And it put Dems in an awful pickle

Trump used the hour and 20 minutes of spin-free airtime to report a year of news that the mainstream media never quite got around to telling. “Since the election, we have created 2.4 million new jobs, including 200,000 new jobs in manufacturing alone.” As Trump spoke, Nancy Pelosi sucked her teeth. :snip: https://ricochet.com/491268/trumps-sotu-triumph-democrats-defeat/

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I Didn’t Get A Free Pass Into America At Age Six, And Neither Should ‘Dreamers’

Our parents respected America enough to not come here illegally, even if it meant being imprisoned, tortured, or even executed while they awaited legal entry.

 By Mario Sánchez

FEBRUARY 2, 2018

In 1959 my father was visited by a commander of the Cuban Revolution to “volunteer” him as a civil servant to the nascent Soviet-Marxist dictatorship. With summary firing squads, routine tortures, life sentences handed out like candy without due process, beatings, and mandatory indoctrination of children as young as eight, my dad acquiesced to buy time to arrange my escape.

He decided to abandon me because he had a dream. His dream, as it later became mine, was for me to be given the greatest number of opportunities to be successful, to live where freedom was intrinsic to the social fabric, to enjoy the protections of a constitutional republic. These are lost dreams for Cuba, but reality in America.      :snip:   http://thefederalist.com/2018/02/02/didnt-get-free-pass-america-age-six-neither-dreamers/

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