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10 Things the President Could Say to Drive the Left Even Crazier (2018 State of the Union Edition)


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10 Things the President Could Say to Drive the Left Even Crazier (2018 State of the Union Edition)

By The Editors| January 30, 2018

Part of the fun of Donald Trump’s presidency has been watching him strip the thin veneer of sanity away from the formerly “respectable” Left. Then again, how sane can anyone be who insists that the former Bruce Jenner is, in fact, a woman . . .

 President Trump seems to understand the fun here. And along the way, it appears that he has taken some of our suggestions:  He has driven the Left nuts by defending Western Civilization, (a suggestion from our second list), and his administration is, in fact, cracking down on discrimination against Asian Americans at Harvard. (A suggestion in our first list). President Trump, meanwhile, has yet to take up our favorite suggestion—from a commenter on our first list, in fact—to “identify as a woman and claim to be the first female president.” Maybe he’s saving that one for Mother’s Day?  :snip: 

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Trump and Democrat #SOTU Guests: #MAGA vs. #MeToo and #Dreamers

Posted by Fuzzy Slippers    January 30, 2018 at 11:10am

Guest list reflects political divide

Tonight, President Trump will give his first State of the Union address; we’ll have a live post on that later, so be sure to come back and share the fun.   In the meantime, the guest lists for both the president and the Democrats have been released.

The contrast between those guests invited by the president and those invited by the tone-deaf Democrats is illuminating, speaking to the heart of the great political divide in our country.  President Trump’s guests include law enforcement, first responders, and economists.  The Democrats are bringing a bunch of DREAMers and some representatives of the dwindling #MeToo movement.

(more…)   :snip: https://legalinsurrection.com/2018/01/trump-and-democrat-sotu-guests-maga-vs-metoo-and-dreamers/

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