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Secret FISA Memo Will Be Redacted When Released


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Secret FISA Memo Will Be Redacted When Released

By Judi McLeod January 28, 2018

The predicted release of the FISA “Secret Memo”  mid-week will be the biggest FBI PR rip-off of recent times.

Can anyone say “REDACTED!”?  That’s what the released Secret Memo will be even though trusted people who read it like Rep. Steve King have already given us its size and scope.  Now that the FBI has had a chance to cover its tracks, the “Secret Memo” will be as explosive as reading a note from FBI agent Peter Strzok’s wife reminding him not to forget to pick up the milk on his way home.


Millions already knew that the FBI was a sewer of sabotage and lies long before House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes began teasing the public about the contents of so-called “Secret Memo”.

They’re the ones who knew that the FBI had become the rogue intel arm of the Deep State working feverishly to overturn the results of Election 2016.

FBI agents like Peter Strzok and his love interest Lisa Page are a dime a dozen.

FBI agents of the day are nothing like the romanticized television version you see on popular programs like NCIS and haven’t been for some time. :snip: 

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Byron York: House Intel meets Monday and could vote on memo release — is Jeff Sessions softening his stance?

Byron York

Jan 28, 2018

The House Intelligence Committee meets at 5 p.m. Monday in the Capitol. The meeting will give the committee its first opportunity to vote on the question of releasing the so-called "FISA abuse" memo that has captured Washington's attention in recent days. Since the GOP holds a 13 to 9 advantage on the committee, the overwhelming likelihood is that if there is a vote, the panel will decide, along party lines, to release the memo.

At that point, House rules call for the committee to await a decision by the president on whether he supports or opposes release of the memo. President Trump has made clear he supports release, so the memo could be made public quickly.


Now, the battle goes on. The next 72 hours could be critical in the case of the memo: a possible vote to release it, a presidential go-ahead, and, most importantly, public evaluation and analysis of its contents. Does it live up to some Republicans' characterizations of it? Are Democratic criticisms accurate? Does its release, in fact, damage national security? It could be a very eventful week.

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House Intelligence Committee votes to release controversial GOP surveillance memo

Kelly Cohen

Jan 29, 2018

The Republican-led House Intelligence Committee voted Monday to invoke a obscure congressional rule to force the release a classified memo written by Republicans that outlines what they say are abuses of federal surveillance authorities.

Ranking Member Adam Schiff, D-Calif., told reporters that the Republican majority voted Monday night to make the four-page GOP memo public, but voted against the idea of releasing a counter memo written by the Democratic minority.

“[House Intel] voted to release GOP memo publicly and to release the Dem memo for viewing by Members of House of Representatives,” committee spokesman Jack Langer confirmed with the Washington Examiner.

The four-page memo put together by Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., allegedly details how Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein sought the renewal of a federal court-authorized surveillance warrant against former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor Carter Page.




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Adam Schiff’s Versions Of Events Are Frequently False Or Missing Key Details

Adam Schiff is portrayed by many in the media as a straight shooter. His record in reality is of fanning the flames of every single Trump-Russia collusion allegation out there.

 By Mollie Hemingway / JANUARY 30, 2018

Yesterday the House Permanent Select Committee On Intelligence voted to release a four-page summary document alleging surveillance abuses by the Justice Department and FBI. The committee’s memo has been available to all 435 House members for more than a week. Some of those who read it described it as “troubling,” “shocking,” “jaw-dropping,” “sickening,” and “criminal.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray reviewed the memo on Sunday. As soon as the committee had finished voting, ranking member Rep. Adam Schiff ran to the cameras to spin the news. From that point, he began explaining things in a non-truthful manner. This inability or unwillingness to accurately convey information is not a surprise so much as a regular feature of his work with journalists, but it’s worth noting how that played out in just one few-hour span.      :snip:  http://thefederalist.com/2018/01/30/adam-schiffs-versions-of-events-are-frequently-false-or-missing-

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1 hour ago, Valin said:

The Ben Shapiro: Lot Of Hyperbole Going On 17:00 

Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Sara Carter, Sebastian Gorka. Now they could be correct, just like SanFranNan, Adam Schiff, the entire lineup on pMSNBC could be correct....BUT remember none of these people or pretty much anyone else (with the exception of Adam Schiff) has Actually Read The Memo.


Everybody's Rushing To Judgment Over A Memo They Haven't Seen. That's Nuts.

Ben Shapiro

January 30, 2018

It’s time for everybody to rush to judgment.


Do it.

That, apparently, is the ardent desire of partisans on both sides of the aisle regarding the much-ballyhooed House Intelligence Committee memo supposedly detailing intelligence community malfeasance during the 2016 election campaign. According to Sean Hannity, the memo will make “Watergate look like stealing a Snickers bar from a drug store.” According to former Trump staffer Sebastian Gorka, the memo will show abuses “100 times bigger” than those that led to the American Revolution.

Meanwhile, on the Left, the memo is a massive misdirect – and not just that, it’s an assault on our Constitutional order. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said that House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes (D-CA), who compiled the memo, was a “stooge of the White House” and part of a “cover-up.” She added, “They have crossed from dangerously and recklessly dealing with intelligence to a cover-up of an investigation that they don’t want the American people to see come to fruition, and that is most unfortunate…I’ve seen not only the memo and the basis for the memo, but the underlying documents. What they’re putting forth is totally false.” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who sits on the Intelligence Committee, fumed, “We have votes today to politicize the intelligence process.”



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Kelly: White House to Release Nunes Memo ‘Pretty Quick’

Posted by Mary Chastain    January 31, 2018 at 11:00am

The memo alleges FBI abused FISA law to obtain a warrant.

President Donald Trump’s Chief of Staff John Kelly said on Fox News Radio that the president will release House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes’ memo soon. From Fox News:

In a radio exclusive, White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly, joined Brian Kilmeade at the White House to talk about President Trump’s first State of the Union address. Kelly discussed President Trump taking the handcuffs off of the military in Afghanistan, working on a bipartisan solution on DACA, why his heart breaks over identity politics in America and President Trump releasing the Nunes memo “pretty quick and the whole world can see it.”     :snip:   


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Former FBI Official Urges Congress, Trump to Release Memo the ‘Right Way’

Chris Swecker insists Director Wray 'deserves the benefit of the doubt under these circumstances' in bid for postponement

by by Kathryn Blackhurst | Updated 01 Feb 2018 at 7:31 AM

 Chris Swecker, former assistant director of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division, urged Congress and President Donald Trump on Wednesday to make public a controversial four-page memo detailing surveillance abuses the “right way.” He made his remarks on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle.”

“There’s a right way to do this, and I’d just like to see it done by the rules. You get in trouble when you start making up your own rules,” Swecker said. As an American citizen, he said, he “would love to see the memo” and “would love to know if the FISA court was misled.”

“I’d love to know if the FISA judge was aware that if the [Trump-Russia] dossier information was included, that it was paid for by a political opponent,” Swecker said. “But the … former FBI executive in me says let’s play by the rules, not like this.”    :snip:  https://www.lifezette.com/polizette/former-fbi-official-urges-congress-trump-to-release-memo-the-right-way/

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Dem Rep. Says Americans ‘Need to Know’ What’s in the Nunes Memo, Too

John Garamendi stood apart from his Democratic colleagues by calling for release of both the Democratic and GOP versions

by Kathryn Blackhurst | Updated 02 Feb 2018 at 6:26 AM

Rep. John Garamendi (D-Calif.) departed from many of his Democratic colleagues by urging Congress to release both the GOP memo detailing abuses within the FBI and the Democrats’ countermemo, saying Thursday on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle” that people “need to know” what’s in both memos.

The GOP memo’s release is expected Friday. Congressional Democrats, led by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), vehemently fought making public the document compiled by House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.). But Garamendi dismissed his colleagues’ concerns, telling host Laura Ingraham that the American people must be allowed to “judge exactly what this is all about” for themselves.  :snip: https://www.lifezette.com/polizette/dem-rep-says-americans-need-to-know-whats-in-the-nunes-memo-too/

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