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YouTuber Dissects Political Tribalism Using One Journalist As An Example


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ByFrank Camp

January 27, 2018

YouTube channel 1791L released a fascinating video Thursday regarding tribalism and the dangers of political reflexiveness:


1791L then speaks of an article by Charles C.W. Cooke of National Review in which the author claims that Washington Post journalist Jennifer Rubin "is everything she hates about Trump worshippers."

In the piece, Cooke castigates Rubin for her alleged reflexive opposition to Trump, regardless of the circumstances:


1791L talks about the president’s most ardent supporters – those who will stretch credulity in order to reconcile Trump’s changing philosophies, and meld them into a cohesive structure. He compares these people to the “cult of personality” that surrounded former President Obama.

He then turns the "cult of personality" argument toward Rubin:





My 3 Rules Of Trump

1. Pay no attention to what he tweets (Memo to Joe & MIka)

2. Pay some attention to what he says (SOTU Alert)

3. Pay a great deal of attention to what he does (Who Knew He Was A Center Right Republican!) :D

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