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Oh My: Are Democrats Getting Ready to Cave on Trump's Wall?


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Now that Democrats have fled from their ill-fated Schumer Shutdown, tail between their legs, attention now shifts to the ongoing talks over a possible DACA agreement on immigration. Lawmakers find themselves up against two deadlines: (1) The March cutoff established by the Trump administration after the president announced his cancellation of his predecessor's legally-dubious executive amnesty, and (2) the February 8 time limit just set by Mitch McConnell, after which he'll move to the introduction of bills and amendments on various legislative solutions to the DREAMer situation. As various 'gangs' and working groups on Capitol Hill power through their negotiations, it's important to highlight that during the brief shutdown, two notable Democrats offered what appeared to be very significant concessions on border security. The Senate Minority Leader apparently put Trump's prized border wall on the table as part of a potential deal::snip:

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