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By Ryan Walters on Jan 23, 2018

A review of Confederaphobia: An American Epidemic by Paul C. Graham (Shotwell Publishing, 2017).

In a brilliant new book on one of the most important topics of our time, Paul C. Graham, the co-founder of Shotwell Publishing, tackles the recent nationwide effort to eradicate every vestige of the Confederacy from our public life. It’s a new psychological condition that he has termed “Confederaphobia.”

What is “Confederaphobia”? Graham defines it as “an irrational and pathological hatred and fear of all things Confederate.” And those that suffer from Confederaphobia, naturally, are known as Confederaphobes.

Recent years have seen numerous examples of Confederaphobia, and Graham meticulously catalogues many of the most well-known cases but some that may not be as familiar: From Linda Folckomer, a Brooklyn Yankee visiting Charleston who took it upon herself to destroy Confederate battle flags on a parked truck, to “triggering” incidents on college campuses, and retail stores dumping items with Confederate imagery.         :snip: 

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