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FREXIT: Macron Admits French Public Would ‘Probably’ Vote to Leave the EU if Given the Chance


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French president Emmanuel Macron has made a shock admission that the French public would “probably” vote to leave the European Union if given the chance in a referendum.

The globalist poster boy made the comments during an interview with BBC presenter Andrew Marr.

“You always take a risk when you have such a referendum, just ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ in a very complicated broadcast,” he told the broadcaster.

“If France had had a referendum it might have had the same result,” suggested Marr.

“Yeah, probably,” admitted the president — to the surprise of many observers.

The 40-year-old appeared to catch himself as soon as the words were out of his mouth, however, adding quickly: “Probably, in a similar context, but our context was very different, so I don’t want to make any, I mean, take any bets.”

He assured Marr that, in the event of a French referendum, he “would have fought very hard to win [for the European Union].”


Viva le exit?

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