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Minnesota woman strikes St. Kate’s


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Scott Johnson

Jan. 20 2018

St. Catherine University (a/k/a St. Kate’s, formerly St. Catherine College) sits on a leafy 110-acre campus in the Highland Park neighborhood of St. Paul. It is located a few blocks down the street from my high school alma mater and within shouting distance of Macalester College as well as St. Thomas University.

A “Minnesota woman” went on an arson rampage at St. Kate’s this past Wednesday. Truza Jamal Hassan — a 19-year-old former student — set eight fires in seven building across the campus. All but one of the fires were set in trash cans inside bathrooms.

Hassan kindly explained that she did so in retaliation for American military intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to the criminal complaint failed in Ramsey County District Court. Her religious inspiration isn’t expressly stated, but she appeared in court yesterday wearing garb including a black face covering that exposed only her eyes and what appeared to be a large white sheet draped over her head. I think she was shooting to make a bold fashion statement with a makeshift niqab.

The St. Paul Pioneer Press covers the story here, the Star Tribune here and here. The Pioneer Press story includes readers’ comments at the bottom. The Star Tribune story does not want to hear from readers on this one. Video of the report by the local Fox affiliate is below. (Stick with the video for the statement by the president of St. Kate’s toward the end.)




Like the defendants convicted in the case of “the Minnesota men” that I covered for Power Line and the Weekly Standard, Hassan has been the beneficiary of the best Minnesota has to offer. She attended Highland Park Junior High School, a couple blocks from our old home in Highland Park. She graduated from Johnson Senior High School in St. Paul before moving on to St. Kate’s to go to college. If you have additional background on Hassan, please write me at powerlinefeedback@gmail.com.

Bail has been set at $100,000. She was also ordered to stay away from the campus and surrender her passport. If she makes bail and violates that court order about returning to St. Kate’s, she’ll really be in trouble.

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