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Thoughts from the ammo line


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Scott Johnspn

Jan. 19 2018

Ammo Grrrll isn’t asking for herself. She is PETITIONING FOR A FRIEND. She writes:

Of all the things I hate to do – flying, going to the doctor every five to seven years for my annual check-up, being assaulted by CNN in airports (See: Flying) – approaching strangers to get them to sign a petition has to be very high on my list. And yet that is what I have been doing for several weeks on behalf of a good friend, Glenn Morrison, who is running for Constable of Pinal County here in Arizona. Up until Glenn threw his hat in the ring, I had no idea that we HAD a Constable or even what a Constable did. I assumed it maybe had something to do with housing horses. That is incorrect. Look it up.


Even if they give you a wide berth, however, IF you are nimble, relentless and able to block their path, once you do your pitch, about half of them will say, “Not interested,” “NO” or “I don’t know enough about that to sign.” But, the other half will go along with you if you are smiling and friendly and holding a .45 with no obvious safety. Haha. I kid again.


One small personal anecdote about him before I ask for a little support. A few years back, when I knew him only as my husband’s instructor, Mr. AG was on an extended trip to Israel. My closest friends are Minnesota snowbirds who had not yet arrived. It was a very lonely time, my mother was sick and I had one of those “close-to-rock-bottom” afternoons. I called Glenn to see if he could get coffee or see a movie. Something. Anything. He said he was in Tucson. I thought that was the end of it. Several hours later, he called and said he was back in town and thought I had sounded “down” and he was concerned about me. I practically sprinted over to play with his great Beagle, Jasmine, and watch TV with him and his wife. It would be overdramatic to say it saved my life, but it sure did lift my spirits.

Also, if he had not taught me to shoot, this column would not exist. Can you regulars even bear to contemplate the bleak emptiness of your Friday mornings? Oh, the humanity!

Even a little local race is ridiculously expensive. Glenn had hoped to raise just $5,000. His opponent has a “money is no object” attitude. Glenn is not wealthy, just committed. He doesn’t need the same level of donations as a person facing an illness or accident. Heck, donations in the $20-50 range would be awesome. $20 buys a lawn sign. (That’s two lattes and a scone!) Do it for a good guy who is a friend of YOUR friend, Ammo Grrrll, who works her fingers to the bone every week for free in order to entertain you! I thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart. * Glenn can be found at MorrisonforConstable.com.




* not saying if you don't throw a couple of shekels his way I'll move in next door...(this is well within the parameters of  A BAD THING)...But why take the chance! :evil:

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