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Trump To Become First Sitting President To Address March For Life


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Ben Shapiro

January 18, 2018

On Wednesday, the Trump White House announced that President Trump would speak at the annual March For Life, making him the first sitting president to do so. The March For Life draws hundreds of thousands of people every year to Washington D.C. to protest the Roe v. Wade decision that mandated that states legalize abortion.

Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders made the announcement, and stated that Trump wouldn’t attend in person, but would speak live from the White House.

This is a moral move for Trump – Roe v. Wade, decided in 1973, is not only one of the worst legal decisions in American history, but one of the most immoral. Abortions have been declining markedly across the United States since their heyday in the 1990s; in 1990, for example, the Centers for Disease Control reported 1.4 million abortions, while in 2013, that number was 644,435, less than half. The American people have also become significantly more pro-life over the decades, thanks to the hard work of the pro-life movement.


There’s little doubt the media will savage Trump for speaking at the March For Life – they’ll suggest that he’s a sexist, *since the media routinely conflate protection of the unborn with hatred of women, a nonsensical and deeply disgusting conflation. But that may be good for Trump, too: most Americans don’t see pro-lifers as sexist at root, and pro-lifers certainly won’t stand for such an insulting proposition.





* But what if it's a Female?

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The marching band that rocked the March for Life.

Philip Wegmann

Jan 19, 2018

Pastors with starched clerical collars offer solemn prayers. A dozen politicians deliver rehearsed talking points. Blessings are offered. Spirituals are sung. And a crowd of mothers, assorted clergy, and restless schoolkids sway anxiously back and forth on the National Mall at the rally before the March for Life. But when the actual marching starts, that somber demonstration is transformed into a dance party when the marchers pass the St. Augustine High School band.

Students and nuns and congressional staffers dance down the street as the marching band belts out Titanium by David Guetta in front of the Natural History Museum. An Orthodox priest does something that, from a distance, looks like the Charleston. It was as lit as a protest of modern genocide could be.


“We’re marching for freedom,” Davis shouts. “We’re following the path of the Underground Railroad.” The walking orchestra sees little difference between the tyranny of the plantation era and the proliferation of Planned Parenthood. “Unborn black lives matter,” as Davis puts it.

Across the street, the less musical mill about with some teachers on the steps of the Smithsonian. They aren’t in the band but they are just as on board with the modern Underground Railroad. “One-hundred-and fifty years ago life wasn’t respected,” says school president Kenneth St. Charles. “Now the issues have changed. It’s gone from slavery to Black Lives Matter and abortion.”



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