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Media Again Betray Public Trust with Wild Conspiracy Theories About Trump’s Mental Health


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Trump’s perfect score on a mental acuity test once again exposes the media as wild conspiracy theorists and flat-out liars.

New York Times: ‘Is Mr. Trump Nuts?’

USA Today: “Battles over Trump’s mental health and ‘fitness’ for office sidetrack his policy agenda”

Washington Post: “Wolff’s book has thrust the topic [of Trump’s mental stability] to the forefront of public debate[.]”

CNN’s Jake Tapper: “[T]he president’s mental fitness has come under discussion quite a bit the last two weeks.  Do you think a president’s mental health should be tested?”

NBC’s Chuck Todd: “[A] president … with a staff that questioned his ‘fitness for office’ and his mental stability.”

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough: “I’ve written twice in my column a quote about one of the people closest to Donald Trump during the campaign saying he’s got early stage of dementia.”

NYT/CNN’s Maggie Haberman: “Unmoored.”

CBS News: “Author Michael Wolff, whose bestselling book portrays Mr. Trump as lacking the mental capacity for the presidency, maintains that even among those in the White House, there are questions.”

Obviously, this is just the tip of the 24/7 cable news/Sunday show/.com iceberg. The left-wing CNN has been trolling Trump over this issue for months, and turned it up to 11 this last week.

But what was the rationale for all this irresponsible, norm-defying, anti-science speculation? A book written by author Michael Wolff that even venomous Trump-haters like NBC’s Katy Tur has had to admit is “fake but true.” Hell, the author himself cannot even claim he told the truth.

But now that Trump’s doctor, who was also the White House doctor for Barack Obama and George W. Bush, has announced that the president got a perfect score on a widely respected and difficult mental acuity test — a 30 out of 30 — what we have here is yet another instance where the entire mainstream media has egg all over their face after betraying the American people with lies and conspiracy theories.


Fake doctors react to Trump's health.

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The Press Corps Is Crazy, Trump Isn’t

John Hinderaker

January 17, 2018

I began the Laura Ingraham radio show this morning by playing, and commenting on, clips from yesterday’s press briefing by Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson, the Navy doctor who gave President Trump his physical exam. Dr. Jackson noted that he had given the president a cognitive test, at Trump’s insistence, even though Jackson saw no need for it. The president scored a perfect 30 out of 30 on the cognition test. This was, of course, what the slavering hounds of the White House press corps wanted to talk about. Here are the clips, courtesy of Grabien.

This reporter wanted to know about Trump’s “mental fitness for office.”





From the Comments


Martin Tagliaferro ·

Union College

Please fix the typo in the last paragraph. ... It's White House Press Corpse. ...


Bill Smith

John, you may have serious doubts about the press, but I sir have none. I can say with confidence, the press is off their collective rocker.



I'm not a Psychiatrist, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once. Since my credentials are every bit as sound as that of the Mainstream Media, my diagnosis of the plight of the MSM is a case of Terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome (TTDS). You'll easily recognize when the final stages begin--uncontrollable tears, vomiting invective, abject incoherance, and intolerant incontinence of the Buccal Cavity.

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