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Trump is America’s Plumber


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Trump is America’s Plumber

By Brandon J. Weichert| January 14, 2018

Donald Trump is not an ideological man. He ran by appealing to the sentiments that unite most working-class Americans, much like Ronald Reagan did in 1980. Working-class voters from factory employees to plumbers and electricians appreciated the themes Trump campaigned on during the 2016 election. Promising to “make America great again” through cultural renewal, economic revitalization, and military strength, Trump ran as a fixer.

In 21st century America, the greatest threat to our quality of life is not terrorism or Russia. Rather, it is bad government.

A major reason that America’s government has gone bad is that the Democrats and Republicans have stopped talking to each other. They did this because both parties have been captured by special interests with radical agendas. A dynamic of winner-take-all politics has become the norm, and nothing substantive has been accomplished in at least a generation. The government of the United States was not created to operate under such a zero-sum paradigm.

Essentially, America’s pipes were clogged and the country needed a plumber, not a politician.

A Stopped-Up Immigration System
Donald Trump is America’s plumber. And a plumber has no ideological motivation either for repairing or for not repairing a stopped pipe. He simply does his job and goes home.   :snip:  

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DACA Doublespeak

By Rachel Bovard| January 14, 2018

In an extraordinary move last week, President Trump brought congressional leaders to the White House for a vigorous discussion of immigration policy. What made the moment so remarkable is that the meeting—in a departure from the usual swampy Washington gesture reserved for scripted talking points and meaningless photo opportunities—was substantial and it was televised.

For nearly an hour, Trump and congressional leaders engaged in actual policy negotiation, in front of the nation (or at least anyone who bothered to tune in).

The format, while groundbreaking, still provided a forum for classic Washington doublespeak about immigration.

Democrats demanded a “clean” bill for recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and a “pathway to citizenship.” For their part, Republicans nodded enthusiastically about “enhanced border security” and an “end to chain migration.”

Democrats demanded a “clean” bill for recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and a “pathway to citizenship.” For their part, Republicans nodded enthusiastically about “enhanced border security” and an “end to chain migration.”            :snip: 

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