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Law-Abiding American Families Are the Victims in the Dreamers Debacle


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Law-Abiding American Families Are the Victims in the Dreamers Debacle

Democrats would have us believe removing these people is inhumane — when what's truly inhumane is not enforcing the law

by Bryan Crabtree | Updated 15 Jan 2018 at 8:15 AM

 Democrats are telling us that President Donald Trump’s policies on immigration are tearing families apart.

Preying on our good will, liberals find stories of illegal immigrants to manipulate us. They cite examples of four-year-old children who have grown up in America, graduated from college, and are seeking the American dream in their 20s.

They label them “dreamers” — to distract from the fact that they are legally defined by our Constitution as “illegal aliens.”

We’re told that removing these people would be inhumane. :snip: 

There shouldn’t be a pathway to amnesty for anyone who has gained access to our country illegally, either by their own efforts or as an accomplice with their family (at any age).  :snip: 

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