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Why Have We Let Actors Become Our Moral Guides?


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Those in what was once a disreputable profession have come to be worshiped by the public at large.

here’s a great scene in the wonderful 1982 movie My Favorite Year, which is set in 1954. Peter O’Toole plays a semi-washed-up actor named Alan Swann, famous for swashbuckling roles. For reasons too complicated to explain here, Swann tries to shimmy down the side of a building using a fire hose. He ends up dangling just below a cocktail party on a balcony. Two stockbrokers are chatting when one of them notices Swann swinging below them. “I think Alan Swann is beneath us!” he exclaims.
The second stockbroker replies: “Of course he’s beneath us. He’s an actor.”:snip:


It may be hard for some people to get the joke these days, but for most of human history, actors were considered low-class. They were akin to carnies, grifters, hookers, and other riffraff.
In ancient Rome, actors were often slaves. In feudal Japan, Kabuki actors were sometimes available to the theatergoers as prostitutes — a practice not uncommon among theater troupes in the American Wild West. In 17th century England, France, and America, theaters were widely considered dens of iniquity, turpitude, and crapulence. Under Oliver Cromwell’s Puritan dictatorship, the theaters were forced to close to improve moral hygiene. The Puritans of New England did likewise. A ban on theaters in Connecticut imposed in 1800 stayed on the books until 1952.

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17 minutes ago, nickydog said:

Not all of us have let actors become our moral guides, Jonah.

Not all of us - but way too many!! 

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In 17th century England, France, and America, theaters were widely considered dens of iniquity, turpitude, and crapulence.


It's nice to see Hollywood is carrying the tradition.


Two of our moral guides





I could say a hooker and a junkie...but that would be wrong...and judgemental....so I won't say that.

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1 hour ago, Valin said:


Unfortunately many have. 

Repeating the discussion on the Porch - Having movies and TV enforcing these lowered values and making amoral lifestyles seem normal, helps Hollywood turn the amoral into what seems moral. It was the start of the "anything goes'  and right versus wrong is such a gray area mentality.

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I blame us (the right) we don't do very well at Entertainment whether TV or Movies. I (want to) believe this is starting to change..American Sniper...Last Man Standing....Gran Torino..Blue Bloods to name a few that come to mind. And don't get me started on Christian Movies!


One of the best Christian movies of late is not even Christian "The Devil's Advocate"




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6 hours ago, Geee said:

Not all of us - but way too many!! 

In addition @nickydog - you and I remember when TV and movies had actual censorship of some kind - most of the young people of today have never experienced anything by "anything goes".

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I know I live in a bubble, but as i watch my kids raise my grandchildren I can see there are still some wise and attentive parents out there.  On the other hand, it's getting harder and harder to raise good kids.  The stories my two grandchildren tell of their first semester in college are hair raising.

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31 minutes ago, nickydog said:

I know I live in a bubble, but as i watch my kids raise my grandchildren I can see there are still some wise and attentive parents out there.  On the other hand, it's getting harder and harder to raise good kids.  The stories my two grandchildren tell of their first semester in college are hair raising.


A while ago I was having lunch with a couple of friends. We were talking about this subject college PC), I said I was thinking of enrolling at the U of M. My question was how many weeks would it be before I got myself "In Trouble"? As one they slowly turned at looked at me and said "Weeks? More like days...at best." :D Could Be Fun!!! :evil:


I wonder what will happen when the Snowflakes have to go out into The Real World, where you are required to do Work you don't like?

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3 hours ago, nickydog said:

I know I live in a bubble, but as i watch my kids raise my grandchildren I can see there are still some wise and attentive parents out there.  On the other hand, it's getting harder and harder to raise good kids.  The stories my two grandchildren tell of their first semester in college are hair raising.

I was remembering with Mr G a few day ago about having to explain things that our kids saw on TV that you really were not comfortable having to explain - This was prompted by the 10x more things that they see today that parents have to explain, including commercials for sexual products!!!!!

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In Hollywood, Tweeting, Wearing Black, And Having Acne Are All Considered ‘Brave’

JANUARY 13, 2018 By Kelsey Harkness

Kendall Jenner tweeting about acne is not ‘brave.’ Neither is wearing a black dress. Bravery is when an Iranian woman protests being forced to wear a hijab.  :snip:     http://thefederalist.com/2018/01/13/hollywood-stop-pretending-tweeting-and-wearing-black-dresses-is-brave/

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On 1/13/2018 at 0:01 PM, Geee said:

I was remembering with Mr G a few day ago about having to explain things that our kids saw on TV that you really were not comfortable having to explain - This was prompted by the 10x more things that they see today that parents have to explain, including commercials for sexual products!!!!!

Last night my daughter texted that her 12-year old boys were invited to a sleepover.  It was a party so several boys would be there.  One grandson elected not to go, the other went.  After 2 hours the young host of the party got sick so the parents were contacted to come and get their kids.  Daughter said she was relieved as she didn't like the idea of all those kids staying up late with their cell phones, which they all have these days.  She said she and young grandson had a plan that he would claim to be sick and text his mom if things got weird.  If I text one of my grandsons on their cell phones the text automatically goes to my daughter's cell phone as well, so she knows about all the texts the boys get on their phones.  But how many other parents are so careful?

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6 hours ago, nickydog said:

Last night my daughter texted that her 12-year old boys were invited to a sleepover.  It was a party so several boys would be there.  One grandson elected not to go, the other went.  After 2 hours the young host of the party got sick so the parents were contacted to come and get their kids.  Daughter said she was relieved as she didn't like the idea of all those kids staying up late with their cell phones, which they all have these days.  She said she and young grandson had a plan that he would claim to be sick and text his mom if things got weird.  If I text one of my grandsons on their cell phones the text automatically goes to my daughter's cell phone as well, so she knows about all the texts the boys get on their phones.  But how many other parents are so careful?

My Florida son had the same app for his two boys phones. The other thing that they do now that is useful, is that the school posts progress reports on line that parents can access, so they know right away if a kid is letting assignments or grades slip.

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