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Trump derides protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries


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Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:45 am

Senator Lindsey Graham has weighed in on the sh*tholes controversy that has dominated Trumpworld during the Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend. Sen. Graham would not directly answer the question whether Trump used the term “sh*tholes” (or “sh*thole countries” or “sh*thouse countries) to describe certain African countries. But the implication is clear:

In his most extensive comments yet about Thursday’s explosive Oval Office meeting, the Seneca Republican again declined to confirm whether Trump specifically used the term “sh*thole” to describe the countries.

But, in what appeared to be a direct jab at Sens. Tom Cotton and David Perdue, Graham said, “My memory hasn’t evolved. I know what was said and I know what I said.” Sen. Tim Scott, R-North Charleston, said Friday that Graham told him media reports of what Trump said were “basically accurate.”

After initially saying they could not recall what the president said, Perdue of Georgia and Cotton of Arkansas said Sunday that Sen. Dick Durbin, an Illinois Democrat who said he heard the “sh*thole countries” comment, was misrepresenting Trump’s remarks. They also contradicted Graham, who has not denied reports about Trump’s comment.     :snip:    http://patterico.com/2018/01/15/lindsey-graham-my-memory-has-not-evolved-on-whether-trump-said-shtholes/

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January 14, 2018

Dick Durbin: Race-Baiting Hypocrite

By Daniel John Sobieski

One wonders if Sen. Dick Durbin ever objected to the phrase "chain of custody" in judicial proceedings as evidence of racism in a justice system said to be unfair to blacks.  Or maybe he thought "chain smoking" is a phrase coined by Klansmen watching slaves harvest tobacco.  Has he ever participated in a chain letter?

The phrase "chain migration" is what Durbin and his fellow liberals like to call a racist "dog whistle," but this dog won't hunt.

Democrats like Durbin like to view everything through race-colored glasses, and the phrase "chain migration" is no exception, with Durbin claiming President Trump's use of the term reminded blacks of slavery:

Durbin told the media on Friday that he reprimanded Trump for using the term "chain migration" in immigration negotiations, claiming [that] it [is] associated with racism, despite the Illinois senator just this week also using the term.

Durbin said in an interview: :snip:     http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/01/dick_durbin_racebaiting_hypocrite.html

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Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:30 am

Because you just can’t get enough of that sweet sweet “sh*thole countries” story, the Washington Post is here for you with an “insider” account of that immigration meeting. It’s chock-full of anonymous sources “familiar with the meeting” so you know it will be totally accurate:

When President Trump spoke by phone with Sen. Richard J. Durbin around 10:15 a.m. last Thursday, he expressed pleasure with Durbin’s outline of a bipartisan immigration pact and praised the high-ranking Illinois Democrat’s efforts, according to White House officials and congressional aides.

The president then asked if Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), his onetime foe turned ally, was on board, which Durbin affirmed. Trump invited the lawmakers to visit with him at noon, the people familiar with the call said.

But when they arrived at the Oval Office, the two senators were surprised to find that Trump was far from ready to finalize the agreement. He was “fired up” and surrounded by hard-line conservatives such as Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), who seemed confident that the president was now aligned with them, according to one person with knowledge of the meeting.        :snip:         http://patterico.com/2018/01/16/wapo-runs-insider-account-of-shthole-countries-meeting/

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trump sinks a ‘sweet hole’ on daca

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By:Jim Jatras | January 18, 2018

Letter from Pergamum-on-the-Potomac

It’s just incredible what a hullabaloo can erupt from the garbled account of just one spoken word.

All week long the national media and political class have been in a tizzy over what Donald Trump was reported to have said in a closed-door White House meeting with Senators over DACA and immigration policy.

Does nobody recall that Trump is an avid golfer and resort developer? Obviously, he was characterizing certain garden spot countries in analogy to a “sweet hole” on a golf course. But he was misheard and misreported, or perhaps deliberately misrepresented.

Clearly, his actual words must have been: “Why are we having all these people from sweet holecountries come here? These places are so nice, why would anyone want to leave?”

That puts everything in a very different light.

Take Haiti, for example. Those in the know can tell you that the horrific scenes of squalor plastered on the internet showing slapdash shacks surrounded by mud and raw sewage are in fact a carefully contrived ruse to bilk unsuspecting foreigners of their money via corrupt NGOs like the Clinton Foundation—a kind of reverse Potemkin village. The real Haiti, cunningly hidden from prying eyes, is a Caribbean version of Wakanda:snip:    https://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/trump-sinks-a-sweet-hole-on-daca/

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