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Trump derides protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries


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President Trump grew frustrated with lawmakers Thursday in the Oval Office when they discussed protecting immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries as part of a bipartisan immigration deal, according to several people briefed on the meeting.

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said, according to these people, referring to countries mentioned by the lawmakers.

Trump then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries such as Norway, whose prime minister he met with Wednesday. The president, according to a White House official, also suggested he would be open to more immigrants from Asian countries because he felt they help the United States economically.

In addition, the president singled out Haiti, telling lawmakers that immigrants from that country must be left out of any deal, these people said.

“Why do we need more Haitians?” Trump said, according to people familiar with the meeting. “Take them out.” 


Lawmakers were taken aback by the comments, according to people familiar with their reactions. Sens. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) had proposed cutting the visa lottery program by 50 percent and then prioritizing countries already in the system, a White House official said. 

A White House spokesman defended Trump’s position on immigration without directly addressing his remarks. White House officials did not dispute the account.


Trump steps in it?

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The Media’s Crocodile Tears Are a Crock

Steven Hayward

Jan. 12 2017

I think the media is secretly gleeful that Trump said “shithole countries” yesterday, not only because it gives them the next thing to deplore about Trump for hours and hours, but because it breaks a barrier they’ve wanted to break themselves. Because it is permissible under media standards and practices to quote verbatim anything the president says, they get to say “shithole, shithole, shithole!!!” all they want. And apply it to Trump himself, as a few have done. As though lots of media grandees haven’t been wanting to use terms normally frowned upon here at Power Line.

* I rather wish Trump wouldn’t go off like that, as it does add yet another ratification to the ongoing coarsening of American culture. I recall back in the summer of 1979, when Jimmy Carter, trailing Ted Kennedy badly in early polls of Democrats voters, remarked to a group of reporters that if Kennedy ran, “I’ll kick his ass.” Reporters looked at one another, and back at Carter, as if to ask, “Is that off the record?” So Carter, if memory serves me correctly (it might not) repeated the phrase, just to make sure that reporters understood that he wanted to be quoted saying such a coarse thing. And it went into the paper, to wide notice and some mild consternation.






* Here we see one of the Never Trumpers criticisms of Donald Trump....ie  coarsening of American culture.

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Greg Gutfeld-- "If I were president I would try to introduce a new shocking word every week just to force Chris Cuomo to say it."   :lol:

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‘Shithole’-gate and Toxic Double Standards

By Deion Kathawa| January 12, 2018

In the wake of President Trump’s “shithole” comment (which may have been misreported), CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked a predictably leading question of Republican “strategist” Ana Navarro on his show Thursday night: “s there any other way to interpret this comment other than being just racist?”

Navarro was happy to oblige. After taking a few potshots at Trump’s alleged “pattern” of bigotry, she unloaded: “We have a racist, a shameless racist, who has hijacked the Republican Party, who has hijacked the Oval Office, and this country needs to stand up against this and tell him that we will not let him divide us by color, by race, by ethnicity, by class . . .”

Don’t hold back, Navarro. Mexico’s former president, Vicente Fox Quesada, sure didn’t!

Navarro likely hasn’t given much thought to the implications of what she said, let alone examined her premises. But if she’s so outraged and offended by Trump’s alleged divisiveness, she might want to have a look around CNN’s studios or the greater Beltway area. Division is rampant, and its source isn’t the man at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, or the Right more generally. :snip: https://amgreatness.com/2018/01/12/shithole-gate-toxic-double-standards/

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Of Home Truths and Shitholes

By Roger Kimball| January 12, 2018

It is curious how close certain seemingly contrary emotions can be. Consider, to take just one example, the feelings of glee and outrage. At first blush, they seem very different. Glee occupies a positive register in the metabolism of human emotions. There is such thing as malicious glee, of course—the German word schadenfreudecaptures that perfectly. But by and large, I believe, glee is a sunny, allegro emotion.

Outrage, on the contrary, is a dour beast. It glowers. It fulminates. It glories in moral indignation, which it eagerly manufactures whenever it is in short supply.

And it is there, in the manufacture, affectation, the pretense, of moral indignation that that outrage shades in smarmy gleefulness. You can see this in operation right now, today, by the simple expedient of turning to CNN and watching commentator after commentator explode in gleeful outrage over Donald Trump’s alleged comments about the relative desirability of immigrants from countries like Norway, on the one hand, and countries like Haiti, El Salvador, and various apparently unnamed African :snip: https://amgreatness.com/2018/01/12/home-truths-shitholes/

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Jan. 12th, 2018

THIS ISSUE: Wild week ends with WH rejecting bipartisan DACA amnesty bill

FRI, JAN 12th

If there was any question as to whether immigration is the hottest issue in the country right now, the wild events of the past five days silenced the doubters!

The issue dominated the national headlines throughout the week, including yesterday's big news that the White House had rejected a bipartisan deal put together by Senators Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Corey Gardner (R-Colo.), and Bob Menendez (D-N.J.). The "Gang of 6" proposal would:

  • grant amnesty to more than 3 million young-adult illegal aliens (much larger than the 690,000 DACA amnesty) and their parents, too;
  • end the Visa Lottery, but continue to use the green cards for nationals from Lottery countries and TPS recipients;
  • transfer 26,000 green cards from one family-preference category to another;
  • appropriate $1.6 billion to fix existing fencing and make other improvements along the border; and
  • appropriate $1.1 billion to hire more border patrol agents and build roads along the border.

In other words, their compromise was a bigger amnesty and almost nothing in return.:snip:  immigrationinfo@numbersusa.com

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Sometimes it really is a sh*thole

 By DrJohn  24 Comments  Sat, Jan, 13th, 2018

  How would you describe this picture? Once again Donald Trump is under fire for being Donald Trump. Trump made the mistake of believing that a private meeting with democrats would remain private. Dick Durbin, the loathsome lefty Senator from Illinois, emerged from the meeting on immigration reform and asserted that Donald Trump had made… Read more » :snip:  http://www.floppingaces.net/2018/01/13/sometimes-it-really-is-a-shthole/

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trump, the deplorables, and the aforementioned "sh-thole"

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 By:Aaron D. Wolf | January 12, 2018

The U.S. media are stoking the coalfires of populist nationalism with their breathless coverage of President Trump's private and undoubtedly unwise comment that Haiti is a "sh-thole country." The President denies using that specific language, but owns up to the substance of the comment.

The New York Times has declared that Trump's reported comment is proof he's a racist (as if more were needed), since he is said to have contrasted the undesirability of immigrants from Haiti with the desirability of immigrants from Norway. Yet it seems fairly obvious that the Times and others who are echoing the Trump-is-racist line are deliberately misrepresenting the situation (a task made easy by Trump running his mouth) in order to score anti-Trump social-justice points among those who do not need convincing.  They are also reminding Republicans of the “sh-tstorm” they can expect from the 24/7 coverage that awaits, should Republicans insist on anything other than a “clean DACA bill.”

Trump's immigration stance has always been economic.  At his core, the President is a liberal, insofar as that term means anything anymore.  When he was appearing on Howard Stern's show, and making money for NBC's    :snip:   https://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/trump-the-deplorables-and-the-aforementioned-sh-thole/

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The media don't like 'shithole countries' either

by Eddie Scarry | Jan 13, 2018, 12:01 AM 

The next time Mika Brzezinski is soaking in a view of the Fontaine de la Rotonde on one of her jaunts to the south of France, I hope she sends up a prayer for the "shithole" countries she skirted on the way there.

President Trump reportedly referred to Haiti, El Salvador, and other places you’d only want to visit in passing on a cruise line as “shithole countries,” and the whole national media acted as if they had to pause their Habitat for Humanity projects to share a cry.

The Washington Post reported Thursday that in a meeting with congressional leaders on immigration, Trump responded to questions about protecting immigrants from those countries by asking, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” He suggested people from Norway or Asia should be prioritized in getting admittance to the U.S.

Though the president denied using the reported language, choosing where your country accepts people from is no more controversial than choosing what foods you want to put in your body.  :snip:    http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/the-media-dont-like-shithole-countries-either/article/2645805

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The media don't like 'shithole countries' either

by Eddie Scarry | Jan 13, 2018, 12:01 AM 

The next time Mika Brzezinski is soaking in a view of the Fontaine de la Rotonde on one of her jaunts to the south of France, I hope she sends up a prayer for the "shithole" countries she skirted on the way there.

President Trump reportedly referred to Haiti, El Salvador, and other places you’d only want to visit in passing on a cruise line as “shithole countries,” and the whole national media acted as if they had to pause their Habitat for Humanity projects to share a cry.

The Washington Post reported Thursday that in a meeting with congressional leaders on immigration, Trump responded to questions about protecting immigrants from those countries by asking, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” He suggested people from Norway or Asia should be prioritized in getting admittance to the U.S.

Though the president denied using the reported language, choosing where your country accepts people from is no more controversial than choosing what foods you want to put in your body.  :snip:    http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/the-media-dont-like-shithole-countries-either/article/2645805

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If It Weren’t For The Constitution, America Would Be A ‘Sh-thole’ Country, Too

BY ROSS RAMSEYJAN. 15, 2018  37

Candidates run to the things that help them, run away from the things that hurt them and leave the rest alone. Republicans are not running from President Donald Trump, an indication they don't think voters want them to.           :snip:  


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Filed under: General — Patterico @ 10:00 am

The Sunday shows have revived the controversy about President Donald J. Trump’s “sh*tholes” comment. So before we close the book on the comment, I thought it would be worth taking a step back and evaluating what the real problems with the comment were.

First, let’s talk about what the problems aren’t.

The issue is not that the President used the s-word in private. All presidents and most other humans curse in private.

The issue is not that there are indeed countries in the world that can be described as “sh*tholes.” Many people have tried to make this the issue, so that Trump can be defended as fearlessly speaking the truth about what other people won’t say. Look at the physical conditions of this country! Sh*thole! Look at the way that country is run! Sh*thole!

True enough. But not the point. You don’t get to demonstrate that sh*tholes exist, do a victory dance, and dust off your hands — because you have missed the point. :snip:  http://patterico.com/2018/01/14/the-two-real-problems-with-donald-trumps-shtholes-comment/

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