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Democrats Prepare To Prolong Leaky House Russia Probe


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As the House Intelligence Committee’s probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election winds down, top Democrats are preparing to drag out the investigation and may dispute the committee’s findings.

The House probe is one of four Russia probes, including Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s criminal investigation, launched in response to Russian hacking of Democratic emails. The four investigations have turned up zero evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia’s meddling in the election.

Connecticut Democratic Rep. Jim Himes, the number two Democrat on the House intel committee, made the media rounds on Tuesday to lay the groundwork to demand the investigation drag on further, even though the committee completed all scheduled interviews before Christmas.

In interviews with both the Washington Post and CNN, Himes suggested that Republicans would be accused of a cover-up if they didn’t grant dozens more interviews.


“It’s in both the Democrats’ and the Republicans’ interests to … write a report based on a common set of facts,” Himes told the Post. “It would be a tragedy if the report has a minority section that says, ‘Look, we wanted to talk to these two dozen witnesses and weren’t able to do so.”

“For nearly a year, the House review has been following the facts, and it continues to do so. The investigation will conclude when the Committee has reached a conclusion,” Paul Ryan spokeswoman AshLee Strong told The Daily Caller. “It’s clear by the endless political posturing by some House Democrats that they would like to see this investigation go on forever. Whether it concludes next month, next year, or in three years, they’ll say it’s too soon.”


The eternal investigation.

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