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MSNBC in 2017 | SUPERcuts! #549


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The Year in Review

Steven Hayward

Dec. 29 2017

As followers of academia—in other words, people known otherwise as masochists—know, liberals of a Rawlsian variety always like to have us do thought experiments behind a “veil of ignorance,” which, yes, is ironic given that the ignorance of most liberals is seldom veiled at all. Still, bear with me here, and indulge this favorite liberal trope for a minute.

Imagine a new president whose first year saw: withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord; wiped out ISIS; reversed hundreds of Obama Administration regulatory overreaches; saw back-to-back quarters of 3 percent economic growth; a stock market gain of over 20 percent; illegal immigration plummeting by more than 50 percent; a sterling originalist appointed to the Supreme Court and a record number of similarly-minded judges to the lower appellate courts; and the most fundamental pro-growth tax reform in 30 years.



Lets remember that none of this was supposed to be even remotely possible. And more than a year later everyone is still trying to explain it. This clip never gets old:


And if that isn’t enough, this B-roll is also very schadenfreudey:



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Here's the thing...They still haven't come to grips with the fact Hillary lost. In 2008/2012 it took me right around 45 minutes to come to grips with Barack Obama winning. We're coming up on 420 days and they still haven't.

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