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Drain on Democratic voter rolls signals trouble for midterm elections


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Democrats for years have said Arizona was about to tip in their direction, and those hopes grew with President Trump in office — but the early evidence suggests they are struggling to grow.
The latest numbers from the state’s voting rolls show that while neither party is doing particularly well in winning over voters, Democrats have lagged behind, even as both parties gear up for a marquee U.S. Senate race and several crucial House contests next year.
The same trend is playing out in Florida, Pennsylvania and other battleground states where Democrats should have been growing their numbers in the age of Mr. Trump, but instead are stumbling.
They have lost 12,000 registered Democratic voters in Arizona since the presidential election, bringing the number down to 1.2 million. Republicans have lost just 1,000 voters and stand at nearly 1.4 million in the state.:snip:

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