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‘We’re In Dangerous Water Right Now’: GOP Rep. Reveals McCabe Testimony Contained Conflicts With Mueller’s Recollection


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‘We’re In Dangerous Water Right Now’: GOP Rep. Reveals McCabe Testimony Contained Conflicts With Mueller’s Recollection

 By Curt  1 Comment  Tue, Dec, 26th, 2017

Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) joined Fox News Tuesday, revealing FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s two recent testimonies before House members on anti-Trump bias at the bureau, contained conflicts with the way special counsel Robert Mueller ‘remembered things.’ Gohmert did not elaborate on what those discrepancies are.

Gohmert then lamented Mueller’s mission to take out President Trump or advisors in his inner circle.

“We’re in some dangerous waters,” Gohmert warned.

FOX News Insider reports:

Congressman Louie Gohmert said he believes special counsel Robert Mueller is “out for a scalp,” and that he personally had that premonition when the former FBI director was appointed to the investigation into President Trump.

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Let Mueller Continue His Witchhunt (Guest Post)

 By John Velisek  6 Comments  Tue, Dec, 26th, 2017

  Democrat flack Adam Schiff, the leaker to CNN from the house committee meetings continues to wave the flag of Russia-Trump collusion knowing full well there is nothing there. Even after most of the Deep  State players have moved on from collusion to obstruction innuendo against Trump, weasel Schiff continues to battle on, fighting windmills…. Read more »   :snip: 

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