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Koch network teaming up with Trump officials for tax-reform event


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Trump administration officials are set to make the case for tax reform at an event Monday hosted by groups in the Koch brothers' network.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and White House Director of Legislative Affairs Marc Short are slated speak on a panel at the Newseum event, along with Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce Executive Vice President James Davis and Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips.

Freedom Partners and AFP are both backed by wealthy GOP donors Charles and David Koch.
The event will be an opportunity for the White House and the Koch network to argue the benefits of a tax-code rewrite on the heels of the White House and congressional GOP leaders on Thursday releasing principles for overhauling the tax code.
The White House and GOP leaders said in their statement that they will set aside Speaker Paul Ryan's (R-Wis.) proposal to tax imports and exempt exports, known as border adjustment, which the Koch network had strongly opposed. The statement also called for lower tax rates for individuals and large and small businesses, which is in line with the Koch network's priorities for tax reform.
The Koch network has committed to spend millions of dollars on its efforts to champion tax reform that follows five principles: simplicity, efficiency, equitability, predictability and no new burdens on taxpayers. As part of that effort, AFP and Freedom Partners have run digital ads urging lawmakers to tax reform that follows those guidelines.:snip:

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