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Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:00 am

First, let’s start by talking about who won’t be to blame: Senators Mike Lee or Rand Paul. Last night Brit Hume of Fox News tweeted this:

Mike Lee now says he'll vote no on the Senate GOP Healthcare bill, joining Rand Paul in in acting to let Obamacare stand.

— Brit Hume (@brithume) July 18, 2017

I have been a fan of Brit Hume’s for years. But I find it astounding that Hume criticized only people like Senators Lee and Paul, who actually would repeal ObamaCare entirely if given the opportunity. If there were 535 Mike Lees in Congress, ObamaCare would have been repealed in January. Where, I wondered, was the criticism of those who voted to repeal in 2015 — but won’t now? Why blame the fiercest opponents of ObamaCare, and give a total pass to people who hypocritically voted for repeal in 2015 only because they knew Obama would veto it?

Let’s review: in 2015, there was a bill sent to Obama’s desk called the Restoring Americans’ Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act of 2015. It didn’t repeal every aspect of ObamaCare, but it did a lot. :snip:  

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Filed under: General — Patterico @ 5:00 am

As I mentioned yesterday, I am astounded that so many people want to blame the GOP’s failure to repeal ObamaCare on those who are least to blame: folks like Rand Paul and Mike Lee. As I said, the real villains are the people who voted for the ObamaCare (partial) repeal bill in 2015 — but oppose it today.

Well, Mitch McConnell will soon call for a vote on a reanimated version of that same bill. And now we’re starting to learn who the scoundrels really are.

At the top of the list of giant hypocrites, you’ll find Senators Shelly Moore Capito of West Virginia and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska — who have both declared their intention to vote against the ObamaCare repeal bill that they both voted for in 2015. As Phil Kerpen said:

They have no excuse for this, and their betrayal will save ObamaCare. :snip:    http://patterico.com/2017/07/19/this-means-war-the-obamacare-betrayal-by-senators-capito-and-murkowski-can-never-be-forgotten-or-forgiven/

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Our Self-Interested Senators

An open health-care debate finally would bring some actual accountability.


Kimberley A. Strassel

July 20, 2017 7:08 p.m. ET


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell at this point has busted pretty much every move in his effort to rally 50 votes for an Obama Care replacement. He’s listened. He’s negotiated. He’s encouraged. He’s cajoled. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Months later, still lacking a majority, the time has come for the Kentucky Republican to execute the final, clarifying move. It’s time for Mr. McConnell to make this all about his self-interested members.

Up to now, this exercise has been about trying to improve health care and the federal fisc. The House bill isn’t perfect—no bill ever is—but it amounts to the biggest entitlement reform in history. It repeals crushing taxes. It dramatically cuts spending. And it begins the process of stabilizing the individual health-care market and expanding consumer freedom.

None of this is good enough for a handful of senators, so now it’s time to make this exercise all about them. Mr. McConnell should make clear that the overwhelming majority of the Republican Party stands ready to make good on its repeal-and-replace campaign promise—           :snip:       https://t.co/Mg8NeioBh3

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3 hours ago, Draggingtree said:

Our Self-Interested Senators

An open health-care debate finally would bring some actual accountability.


Kimberley A. Strassel

July 20, 2017 7:08 p.m. ET


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell at this point has busted pretty much every move in his effort to rally 50 votes for an Obama Care replacement. He’s listened. He’s negotiated. He’s encouraged. He’s cajoled. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Months later, still lacking a majority, the time has come for the Kentucky Republican to execute the final, clarifying move. It’s time for Mr. McConnell to make this all about his self-interested members.

Up to now, this exercise has been about trying to improve health care and the federal fisc. The House bill isn’t perfect—no bill ever is—but it amounts to the biggest entitlement reform in history. It repeals crushing taxes. It dramatically cuts spending. And it begins the process of stabilizing the individual health-care market and expanding consumer freedom.

None of this is good enough for a handful of senators, so now it’s time to make this exercise all about them. Mr. McConnell should make clear that the overwhelming majority of the Republican Party stands ready to make good on its repeal-and-replace campaign promise—           :snip:       https://t.co/Mg8NeioBh3




Forward to 5:40

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Rand Paul Says He's Looking for a Healthcare Solution, Slams "Pork Fest" Bill

Jennifer Van Laar

Jul 23, 2017


Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has been firmly opposed to each iteration of a healthcare bill the Senate has put out this year, and this morning he used even stronger language to call out his Senate colleagues' "pork fest" replacement bill on CNN's "State of the Union."

Sen. McConnell is expected to hold a vote to begin debate on healthcare as early as Tuesday. Sen. Paul said he'd vote to begin debate as long as it was for a clean repeal, but not for the Senate bill. In January, though, he said it would be a mistake to not pass a replacement bill at the same time as repeal, and Tapper asked him to square those positions.






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39 minutes ago, Valin said:

Rand Paul Says He's Looking for a Healthcare Solution, Slams "Pork Fest" Bill

Jennifer Van Laar

Jul 23, 2017


Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has been firmly opposed to each iteration of a healthcare bill the Senate has put out this year, and this morning he used even stronger language to call out his Senate colleagues' "pork fest" replacement bill on CNN's "State of the Union."

Sen. McConnell is expected to hold a vote to begin debate on healthcare as early as Tuesday. Sen. Paul said he'd vote to begin debate as long as it was for a clean repeal, but not for the Senate bill. In January, though, he said it would be a mistake to not pass a replacement bill at the same time as repeal, and Tapper asked him to square those positions.






He's ust like his Dad -- Wishie washie 

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