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Rep. Schiff: Democrat Collusion With Ukraine ‘Problematic’ [VIDEO]


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Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, admitted Sunday that it was “problematic” for Democrats to collude with Ukraine.

A January Politico report indicated that a Democratic National Committee operative worked with Ukrainian government officials to dig up Russia-related opposition research on Donald Trump. The operative later shared that information with the DNC and the Clinton campaign. (RELATED: Everybody Is Forgetting That Clinton Allies Did The Same Thing As Don Jr.)

Several Trump allies have pointed out that the Ukraine storyline isn’t dissimilar from Donald Trump Jr. meeting with a Russian lawyer with the intention of collecting damaging information against Hillary Clinton.

During a Sunday interview on ABC’s “This Week,” Jon Karl asked Rep. Adam Schiff, who has been an outspoken critic of the Trump Jr. meeting, if he also found the DNC-Ukraine collusion to be wrong.

“No, it wouldn’t be acceptable for the Democrats to accept help from the Ukrainian government,” Schiff admitted.


Who colluded with whom?

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