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Multiple states reject request from Trump's voter fraud commission to provide voter roll data


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Officials in at least five states say they will reject a request by President Trump's voter fraud commission to turn over all publicly available voter roll data.
By late Thursday evening California, Kentucky, Virginia, Massachusetts and Connecticut signaled resistance to the request citing concerns over privacy, politics and one of the commission's top officials.
In a letter sent Wednesday to all 50 secretaries of state, the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity's vice chairman — Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach — requests the full names of all registered voters, their addresses, dates of birth, the last four digits of their Social Security numbers, voting history and other personal information.
The letter says that any documents submitted to the commission will also be made available to the public.:snip:

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Democrats Refuse to Cooperate In Voter Fraud Investigation

John Hinderaker

July 1, 2017


To its credit, the Trump administration is trying to get to the bottom of the voter fraud issue. President Trump has established an Election Integrity Commission headed by Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach. The commission has requested publicly available data on voter registrations from the states, and, despite the seemingly innocuous nature of the request, a number of states have refused to cooperate.

One of them is Minnesota. The Star Tribune reports:



Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon said Friday that he won’t fulfill a request from a presidential panel to ship voter registration information for some 4 million Minnesota voters to Washington.

Simon questioned both whether Minnesota law would allow him to provide the information to President Trump’s Election Integrity Commission and to what end it would be used.


Why would Minnesota law preclude responding to the federal commission’s request? If you keep reading, you find that it wouldn’t:






Geee with apologies to The Bard Me Thinks The Democrats Doth Protest Overmuch.

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President Trump has appointed our friend Hans von Spakovsky to the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. As with Eric Dreiband, Trump’s excellent pick to head the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, the liberal media is already attacking von Spakovsky.
For example, this Washington Post story begins: “President Trump on Thursday appointed a divisive conservative voting rights expert to spearhead the White House’s search into allegations of widespread fraud in the 2016 presidential election.” Many Power Line readers will view the “divisive conservative” label as a tip-off that this is a solid pick.
I wonder, though: did the Post call left-wing Obama selections like Van Jones and Tom Perez “divisive liberal figures”? Not that I recall. For many at the Post, taking a left-wing stance isn’t divisive; it’s just “speaking truth to power,” or something.:snip:

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