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Pig crate protesters storm Christie's soap box stage in Iowa


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Matt Arco

Aug 22 2015


DES MOINES, Iowa — A pair of protesters angered over Gov. Chris Christie's veto of a controversial pig crate bill stormed the soap box stage in Iowa where the governor came to talk to voters.


The governor and Republican presidential candidate, visiting the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines on Saturday, was taking questions from voters when a man tried to ask him something about his veto of a of a bill that would have prohibited "the confinement, in an enclosure, of any sow during gestation in a manner that prevents the sow from turning around freely, lying down, standing up or fully extending the limbs of the animal."


The man and another person jumped on the stage and started unrolling a sign before police and a member of Christie's State Police security grabbed him and pulled them off stage





H/T Right Scoop


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