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Live from Des Moines, it’s Ted Cruz


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Scott Johnson

Aug. 22 2015


Nebraska attorney Dave Begley continues his series of reports for us on the appearances of presidential candidate in Iowa. Here is his report on the appearance of Ted Cruz yesterday, covered here by the Des Moines Register:


Nebraska attorney Dave Begley continues his series of reports for us on the appearances of presidential candidate in Iowa. Here is his report on the appearance of Ted Cruz yesterday, covered here by the Des Moines Register:


I could not pass up the chance to see the champion college debater and Supreme Court advocate in action, so I drove to see Ted Cruz in Des Moines at the Rally for Religious Liberty. He made a brilliant presentation to his target audience. I was impressed.


Cruz drew on emotion, logic, drama, rhetoric, and related multimedia presentations to drive his message home with great power and effect. Here’s why this rally was so important. The Pew Center reported that in the last Iowa caucus the Evangelical vote was nearly 60 percent. The estimate is that 120,000 Iowans will caucus in February. Cruz may have substantial appeal to that demographic as reflected in the attendance of some 3,000 people last night along with live streaming at home parties throughout the state. At least a dozen pastors attended; one sat right next to me. They are all thought leaders and influencers in their communities. I think that Cruz will come in first or second in Iowa.


Four people two rows behind me tried to disrupt the Senator with a demand for citizenship now. They had a poster. A single security guard nicely escorted them out and the crowd shouted them down with chants of “USA, USA.” One the other side of the stage a guy said something I couldn’t hear and Cruz told him that this wasn’t a town hall and the topic tonight was religious liberty. Nicely done.


Via video a Texas lawyer set the stage for Cruz as the generous and victorious lawyer/warrior when he told how Ted (pro bono) had argued and won the Mojave Desert Cross case and the Texas courthouse Ten Commandments case. Cruz then brought the hammer down when he stated that there are 43 images of Moses and the Ten Commandments in the Supreme Court courtroom. Both wins were 5-4. A single vote flips a victory to a loss.








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Ted Cruz Rebuffs Actress Ellen Page on Charges of LGBT ‘Discrimination’ at Iowa State Fair

Ian Tuttle

August 21, 2015


Alternative headline: “Actress from That One Movie about Roller Derby Confronts Princeton Debate Champ — Goes about as You Might Expect.”

Why does the phrase Shooting Fish In A Barrel come to mind?
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Cruz outshines Bush at Americans for Prosperity summit


COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Texas Sen. Ted Cruz was the hands-down favorite of the Americans for Prosperity annual summit in Columbus, Ohio, this weekend, if the number and volume of ovations during the speeches of five presidential candidates who addressed the annual convention of tea party activists was the measure.

At the other end of the spectrum was former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, a newcomer to events financed by conservative industrialists Charles and David Koch. Bush was attending his first national conference of Americans for Prosperity and was greeted with respectful but restrained applause by a group that rose essentially out of Republican dissatisfaction with federal spending under his brother, former President George W. Bush.

Cruz, a tea party favorite since his 2012 election, sparked deafening cheers in the Columbus Convention Center auditorium even before he took the stage, entering to the 1980s power anthem "Eye of the Tiger." During his speech Saturday, he went on to promise to "repeal every word of Obamacare," and" rip to shreds this catastrophic Iranian nuclear deal."

Each of Cruz's lines was met with applause and cheers from the more than 3,000 activists. Bush, who spoke a day earlier, earned far fewer cheers, and mostly polite applause, from the anti-tax, economic conservative audience from around the country.Scissors-32x32.png



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Ted Cruz Rebuffs Actress Ellen Page on Charges of LGBT ‘Discrimination’ at Iowa State Fair

Ian Tuttle

August 21, 2015


Alternative headline: “Actress from That One Movie about Roller Derby Confronts Princeton Debate Champ — Goes about as You Might Expect.”


Why does the phrase Shooting Fish In A Barrel come to mind?



I liked Ellen in Juno, but I didn't like her so much in this clip, although I'm glad she kept her cool and at least didn't scream and holler.

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