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The Sanders Effect: Media normalizes socialism


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inside-the-beltway-the-bernie-sanders-effect-mediaWashingrton Times:

A subtle media phenomenon on the campaign trail has not gone unnoticed. The press is perhaps overlooking a certain item from Sen. Bernard Sanders‘ resume.


“The Cold War is clearly over. In just a few decades, the media have dragged the U.S. from red, white and blue to just red. ABC, CBS and NBC have normalized the far-left views of socialist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders simply by refusing to say the word ‘socialism’ — ignoring it in 82 percent of stories,” says Joseph Rossell, an analyst for Newsbusters.com.


“Socialism, which used to be equated with gulag, bread lines and the deaths of tens of millions of innocent people, has become mainstream in the news media and an afterthought in their coverage,” he says.

The patient Mr. Rossell pored over morning and evening news shows on ABC, CBS, and NBC from April 1, 2014, to Aug. 17 to find that of the 94 stories about Mr. Sanders, only 17 mentioned he was a socialist, and “none included criticism of his views.”Scissors-32x32.png

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