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CNN criteria threaten Fiorina’s chance at main debate stage


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251481-cnn-criteria-threatens-fiorinas-chance-at-main-debate-stageThe Hill :

CNN’s criteria for its September GOP presidential debate may keep Carly Fiorina off the stage reserved for the top 10 candidates despite her recent surge in the polls.


The CNN debate methodology, released earlier this year, weighs polls from July 16 to Sept. 10.


The use of the earlier surveys will hurt the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, who barely registered in the polls before the Aug. 6 Fox News debate. But since then, she has seen a significant bounce.


“It acts as sort of an anchor on those people who had done poorly early and a bit of a parachute for those people who have done well early,” said Cliff Zukin, a Rutgers University political scientist and former president of the American Association for Public Opinion Research.


The criteria could also protect Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) from sliding out of the top 10 despite his recent dip in polls.


Fiorina received 1 percent support or less in most of the polls before the Fox News debate. After a strong performance at Fox's second-tier debate, her numbers began to climb, jumping to 5 percent. campaign and supporters hope she can maintain polling numbers high enough to make CNN’s top 10.

CNN, which declined to comment on its criteria and their potential impact on the field for this story, has said it would use polls from ABC/The Washington Post, Bloomberg News, CBS/The New York Times, CNN, FOX, Gallup, Marist, McClatchy, Monmouth University, NBC/The Wall Street Journal, Pew, Quinnipiac, USA Today and Time.Scissors-32x32.png

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Carly Fiorina pleads for donations to get on ‘main’ debate stage in September


Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina is appealing to supporters for donations in a bid to get onto the main stage at the next GOP presidential debate in September.


She wrote in an email missive that millions of Americans saw her speak for the first time on Aug. 6 in Cleveland at the “happy hour” debate, which was held for Republican candidates who fell outside the top 10 in an average of national public polls leading up to the debate.


“They saw that I’m not afraid of difficult questions. I’m not afraid of my record. And I’m not afraid of Hillary Clinton,” Ms. Fiorina wrote, referring to Mrs. Clinton, the former secretary of state and 2016 Democratic presidential front-runner.Scissors-32x32.png



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Fiorina supporters slam 'ludicrous' CNN debate methodology


Carly Fiorina supporters are criticizing CNN's debate criteria that could prevent the former Hewlett-Packard CEO from grabbing a spot on the main stage at the second debate despite her surging poll numbers.


They say that CNN's decision to include polls from before the first presidential debate will work against Fiorina, who didn't make the main stage at the Aug. 6 Fox News debate in Cleveland but surged after a strong performance during the undercard debate.


"Ludicrous," was how Katie Hughes, communications director for CARLY for America super-PAC supporting Fiorina's campaign, termed it.


"The political class is *still* trying to keep her off the main debate stage, if you can believe that," argued Sarah Isgur Flores, Fiorina's deputy campaign manager, in a fundraising email to supporters on Friday.


A CNN spokesperson could not be reached for comment.


Hughes said "the polls used should at least reflect the most recent attitudes of voters -- to not do so is ludicrous."


Two separate CNN and Fox News polls released earlier this week showed Fiorina in the middle of the pack of the crowded field with 5 percent in each poll.


Fiorina lacked significant national name recognition and was hovering at about 1 percent in most polls before the first debate.Scissors-32x32.png


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The GOP Needs Fiorina in the Next Debate

One of the top stories not involving Donald Trump that came out of the Republican presidential was the extraordinary performance of Carly Fiorina. Relegated to the preliminary “losers” forum, Fiorina put on a strong showing that made her seem the clear winner. Indeed, she even managed to intrude onto the main event when Fox News played a clip of her answer on the Iran nuclear deal as the lead-in to a question posed to the top tier candidates. That led to speculation that her standings in the polls would go up in the following weeks. That is exactly what happened, and Fiorina rose from barely registering in surveys to today placing seventh place out of the 17 candidates with a not unhealthy 6.3 percent in the Real Clear Politics average of polls. That puts her ahead of Rand Paul, John Kasich, Mike Huckabee and Chris Christie, all of whom were in the top ten on August 6th and were, therefore, eligible for the Fox debate. If the same standard were applied today, Christie at 3.3 percent would be the one consigned to the “children’s table” of GOP candidates. But unless something extraordinary happens, the roster of participants at the next Republican debate on September 16 to be broadcast on CNN won’t reflect the new reality. According to the rules CNN is using, the polls they will take into account to determine the top ten will mostly come from before August rather than the most recent. Fiorina is crying foul about this and rightfully so. If the Republican National Committee permits this mistake to go uncorrected, it will be another self-inflicted wound for a party that has had more than enough of those in the last year.


As Politico reports, the debate formula CNN is using to determine the GOP top ten next month consists of an average of ten national polls. But with no new survey scheduled to come out before their event, eight of the polls they’re using were taken before the August 6 debate. The RNC claims that, since these rules were previously announced, they can’t be changed now. Even more, they say their role is to ensure merely that the rules are enforced fairly and can’t intervene.Scissors-32x32.png



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