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the-true-conservative-choice-is-ted-cruz-not-donald-trump-part-1-demonstrated-backbonePatterico :

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:44 am

The main problem with Donald Trump’s candidacy is not his immigration stance, or his narcissism, or his stupid hair. No, the real problem is that Trump is a distraction from the true conservative choice: Ted Cruz.


This is Part 1 of what I expect to be a multi-part series on Cruz’s superiority to Trump. I’ll keep these posts relatively bite-sized (for me) because I am short on time and so are you. Today’s point: Cruz has something Trump doesn’t: demonstrated backbone within the political process.


The current success of Trump and Carson in the polls, to me, reflects a typical and understandable American sentiment: a hatred of political “insiders” and a desire to look outside that process for someone different. But why do Americans do that? It’s because it’s so rare for someone inside the political process to stay true to what they said they would do. So Americans naturally turn their gaze outside Washington. Scissors-32x32.png

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25 Responses to “The True Conservative Choice is Ted Cruz, not Donald Trump, Part 1: Demonstrated Backbone”

1. I recognize others here will differ on who the true conservative choice is, even if they agree it is not Trump. That’s fine. Feel free to make the case. For now, my interest is in showing the base that Trump is distracting them from their best candidate.

Patterico (3cc0c1) — 8/19/2015 @ 7:49 am

2. The current success of Trump and Carson in the polls, to me, reflects a typical and understandable American sentiment:

I’m not sure it’s so much that alone as much as — certainly in the case of Ted Cruz — a certain likeability, or lack of such, based on very superficial characteristics. Cruz is easily the most philophically well grounded of the Republican candidates but he lacks a certain appeal, sometimes referred to charisma, due in part to his noticeably aquiline facial features. And, yea, that’s a silly criterion that people will use against a candidate like Cruz, but in the world of reality where both ideology and so-called “likeability” or personality, or looks, do count, it regrettably can’t be dismissed or ignored.

Mark (24da9b) — 8/19/2015 @ 8:02 am

3, Let’s rewind to 2008. Obama claimed that he would fix Washington Scissors-32x32.png


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Can Conservatives Unite When the Time is Right?

Kevin Culpepper August 19, 2015 at 2:32 am 15 COMMENTS

150702_woodard_disunited-960x520.jpgThe election is more than a year away, but I already have a sinking feeling about it. Why? Heck, people don’t even start voting until Iowa goes the polls on February 1, right? Still I sense what’s coming.


Right now, many candidates and many of my fellow conservatives are going in lots of different directions — and that is fine. But as the 17 candidates are winnowed down, we’ll be left with fewer and fewer, until finally, in 2016, we’ll be left with one. That’s when I worry about what’s to come.


Whoever that candidate is — my choice right now is Scissors-32x32.png


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I would have no problem supporting and voting for Ted Cruz. That said (and this is just me) When I see or hear "True/Real Conservative...alarm bells start going off in my head. The supposition is (in this case) Ted Cruz is the REAL Conservative, and it follows the other candidates are not. At least that is what I hear.

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I would have no problem supporting and voting for Ted Cruz. That said (and this is just me) When I see or hear "True/Real Conservative...alarm bells start going off in my head. The supposition is (in this case) Ted Cruz is the REAL Conservative, and it follows the other candidates are not. At least that is what I hear.

That kind blatant head line is just to catch your eye

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I would have no problem supporting and voting for Ted Cruz. That said (and this is just me) When I see or hear "True/Real Conservative...alarm bells start going off in my head. The supposition is (in this case) Ted Cruz is the REAL Conservative, and it follows the other candidates are not. At least that is what I hear.

That kind blatant head line is just to catch your eye




That what I figured.





I want to hear Cruz make a better explanation of some of the more questionable votes he’s cast than he wanted the option to be available for future Presidents.

formwiz (6b3a5a) — 8/19/2015 @ 8:39 am

Ideology vs Politics.
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Is Ted Cruz shifting right on immigration to match Donald Trump?



Ted Cruz has always coupled his no-amnesty, secure-the-border immigration policy with enthusiastic support for streamlining and encouraging legal immigration. That might be changing.


The Texas senator and leading Republican presidential candidate said in interviews this week that there was a lot to like about Donald Trump's immigration policy proposals. The New York billionaire businessman/entertainer wants to limit and possibly reduce legal immigration, amend the Constitution to end birthright citizenship, possibly for current citizens born of illegal immigrants, and round up and deport the approximately 11-12 million mostly Hispanic illegal immigrants that reside in the U.S.


Cruz prides himself on his ideological consistency, and his campaign on Thursday shrugged off suggestions that the senator was shifting in tone or substance to avoid being outflanked by Trump on an issue that is critical to the grassroots conservatives he considers crucial to his 2016 prospects.


"It shouldn't be surprising that there's some commonality between Trump's plan and Sen. Cruz's previously expressed positions," Cruz campaign senior spokesman Rick Tyler told the Washington Examiner in a telephone interview. "I'm not rejecting them, and I'm not supporting them. We're looking at them."Scissors-32x32.png



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While manning a grill at the Iowa State Fair on Friday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)96%

was ambushed by lesbian actress Ellen Page and ended up debating homosexuality and religious freedom, unaware of who she really was.


Actress confronts Ted Cruz at Pork Tent at Iowa State Fair

KCCI - Des Moines, IA


Page, dressed incognito, pressed Cruz for his thoughts on “people getting fired just for being gay or trans,” to which Cruz said he believed Christians are being persecuted in the wake of the Supreme Court’s June ruling, which mandated same-sex marriage a constitutional right.


Cruz reminded Page of the treatment of homosexuals by ISIS and Iran, which Page scantily acknowledged, before arguing Christians are using violence against gay people in Jamaica. Cruz then reprimanded the actress for not understanding the contrast between violent behavior and public executions.


Ellen Page starred in 2007’s Juno and came out as a lesbian in 2014.



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Cruz rallies Iowa evangelicals

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) rallied evangelical Christians in a campaign event in Des Moines, Iowa, on Friday, warning against threats to religious liberty.


"These threats have been growing, they have been growing for decades, but never have the threats been greater to religious liberty than they are right here and now today," the Republican presidential candidate told a crowd of over 2,500 attendees, according to CNN.


"These threats are not imagined, they're not made up. These are real people leading real lives who found themselves facing persecution simply for living out their faith. There is a war on faith in America today."


Cruz placed an extra emphasis on branding at the event, handing out pocket Constitutions, miniature American flag, bracelets reading “Marriage = 1 man + 1 woman” and even Cruz-themed coloring books for children.

The rally featured a series of speakers who said they faced negative consequences from the government for standing up against same-sex marriage.Scissors-32x32.png



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I could not pass up the chance to see the champion college debater and Supreme Court advocate in action, so I drove to see Ted Cruz in Des Moines at the Rally for Religious Liberty. He made a brilliant presentation to his target audience. I was impressed.


Cruz drew on emotion, logic, drama, rhetoric, and related multimedia presentations to drive his message home with great power and effect. Here’s why this rally was so important. The Pew Center reported that in the last Iowa caucus the Evangelical vote was nearly 60 percent. The estimate is that 120,000 Iowans will caucus in February. Cruz may have substantial appeal to that demographic as reflected in the attendance of some 3,000 people last night along with live streaming at home parties throughout the state. At least a dozen pastors attended; one sat right next to me. They are all thought leaders and influencers in their communities. I think that Cruz will come in first or second in Iowa.


Four people two rows behind me tried to disrupt the Senator with a demand for citizenship now. They had a poster. A single security guard nicely escorted them out and the crowd shouted them down with chants of “USA, USA.” One the other side of the stage a guy said something I couldn’t hear and Cruz told him that this wasn’t a town hall and the topic tonight was religious liberty. Nicely done.


Via video a Texas lawyer set the stage for Cruz as the generous and victorious lawyer/warrior when he told how Ted (pro bono) had argued and won the Mojave Desert Cross case and the Texas courthouse Ten Commandments case. Cruz then brought the hammer down when he stated that there are 43 images of Moses and the Ten Commandments in the Supreme Court courtroom. Both wins were 5-4. A single vote flips a victory to a loss.Scissors-32x32.png



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