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20 times Donald Trump has changed his mind since June


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Donald Trump, the Republican presidential front-runner, has done a lot of things no other GOP candidate this year would dare try: pick a fight with Fox News. Bad-mouth prisoners of war. Wear Palm Beach casual-wear to the Iowa State Fair. Tell small children he is Batman.

But this might be the most daring: Trump seems to be making up his own platform as he goes along.

Looking back over his interviews and speeches, it appears that Trump came into the race with only a vague idea -- or perhaps no idea -- how he wanted to handle some major, obvious, policy issues. So, when someone pointed out a new wrinkle that Trump hadn't thought of, he came up with a new answer. And then another.

On some issues, Trump's campaign has gone through more than half a dozen plans in two months. And counting. For instance:

Donald Trump’s plan to defeat the Islamic State.



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The problem is this doesn't make any difference to the Trumpers. You point this kind of stuff out to them...its like talking to a wall. My hope is as we get closer to the actual primaries/caucuses people will start to actually think about a Trump Presidency...and all that would mean.

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The problem is this doesn't make any difference to the Trumpers. You point this kind of stuff out to them...its like talking to a wall. My hope is as we get closer to the actual primaries/caucuses people will start to actually think about a Trump Presidency...and all that would mean.




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