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Sen. Menendez Comes Out Against Iran Deal


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sen-menendez-comes-out-against-iran-dealFree Beacon:

Sen. Bob Menendez (D., N.J.) came out against the recently inked Iran deal on Tuesday and said he would vote to reject it, dealing a major blow to the White House, which has been aggressively lobbying key Democrats to support the accord.


“I have looked into my own soul and my devotion to principle may once again lead me to an unpopular course, but if Iran is to acquire a nuclear bomb, it will not have my name on it,” Menendez said in a major address Tuesday afternoon, according to an advance copy of the text obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.


“It is for these reasons that I will vote to disapprove the agreement and, if called upon, would vote to override a veto,” Menendez said.


Menendez joins a growing list of Democratic lawmakers expressing opposition to the deal. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) also has come out against the deal.


The senator, who has led the charge to impose harsh economic sanctions on Iran, said the deal would do little to rein in Iran’s nuclear weapons program and went on to lash out at President Barack Obama’s portrayal of the deal.



Not buying it.

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Not buying it.








Pro-Iran deal group blasts Menendez as 'warmonger'

Kristina Wong



A group supporting the Obama administration's Iran nuclear deal on Tuesday blasted Sen. Bob Menendez as a "war monger" after the New Jersey Democrat announced his opposition to the accord.


“Senator Menendez has done more in the last two years than any other Democrat to beat the drums for war with Iran,” said Zack Malitz, campaign manager at CREDO Action, in a statement.


“Senator Menendez clearly wants the United States to go to war with Iran," he said.


The statement was accompanied by a picture of Menendez with "Warmonger" stamped across it in orange.


Menendez's opposition was widely expected but still represented a blow to the administration's efforts to rally Democratic support for the deal as Congress prepares to vote on it in September



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Not buying it.








Pro-Iran deal group blasts Menendez as 'warmonger'

Kristina Wong



A group supporting the Obama administration's Iran nuclear deal on Tuesday blasted Sen. Bob Menendez as a "war monger" after the New Jersey Democrat announced his opposition to the accord.


“Senator Menendez has done more in the last two years than any other Democrat to beat the drums for war with Iran,” said Zack Malitz, campaign manager at CREDO Action, in a statement.


“Senator Menendez clearly wants the United States to go to war with Iran," he said.


The statement was accompanied by a picture of Menendez with "Warmonger" stamped across it in orange.


Menendez's opposition was widely expected but still represented a blow to the administration's efforts to rally Democratic support for the deal as Congress prepares to vote on it in September




I meant Menendez not buying it, lol.

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My proposal for a better Iran deal

Robert Menendez

August 18, 2015


President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have repeatedly said that the choice is between this Iran nuclear agreement and war. I reject that proposition.


If the P5+1 had not achieved an agreement, would we be at war with Iran? I don’t believe that. For all those who have said they have not heard — from anyone who opposes the agreement — a better solution, they’re wrong.


Advocates of the deal argue that a good deal that would have dismantled critical elements of Iran’s nuclear infrastructure isn’t attainable — that the Iranians were tough negotiators — and that despite our massive economic leverage and the weight of the international community we couldn’t buy more than 10 years of inspection and verification in exchange for permanent sanctions relief and for revoking Iran’s pariah status. I don’t believe that.


And I believe we could still get a better deal and here’s how: We can disapprove this agreement, without rejecting the entire agreement.



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