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Our Ways Are Not Their Ways


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our-ways-are-not-their-waysRedState: Our Ways Are Not Their Ways

By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | August 17th, 2015 at 11:00 PM


I am reminded of the story of Elisha and the chariots of fire. The King of Syria sent his army down to Dothan to capture Elisha, who had been revealing that king’s plans to the King of Israel. Elisha’s servant was scared so Elisha prayed that the servant’s eyes would be opened to fully see. They saw, surrounding them, the army of the Lord in chariots of fire.


When the army of Syria approached, instead of praying that God would send out his army against Syria, Elisha prayed that the Syrians would be blinded. He then led the blinded army into the hands of the King of Israel and commanded that the King of Israel give the army bread and water then send them home to Syria. Through this they achieved peace. The word choice in the scripture for blindness suggests they were not blinded into darkness, but overcome by the light — blinded as if having looked into a bright light. Scissors-32x32.png

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Nothing But Disappointment: Trump, Immigration, and the GOP


2:56 PM, AUG 17, 2015 • BY Jay Cost


Donald Trump’s campaign web page is telling. There is a biography of the candidate, an extensive news page where his clippings are available, a store where one can buy plenty of Trump-branded merchandise, and only one issue brief, on immigration. If this is not the best illustration of his candidacy to date, I cannot think of a better one.


t reveals why Trump has had so much staying power. His personal brand has always been about winning, and his campaign’s big idea is the premise that he’ll notch some victories for America. This would be nice. As Trump is wont to say, we don’t seem to win anymore. Scissors-32x32.png



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Our Ways Are Not Their Ways

By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | August 17th, 2015 at 11:00 PM




From The Comments (why do I do read the comments? All it does is get me ticked off!)


mikeymike14310 hours ago


If the Republicans in office would actually try governing like conservatives, instead of being lapdogs for Obozo and his America-destroying agenda, maybe we wouldn't be so upset with them.




I wonder if he has ever looked up the words Ideology & Politics?

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Our Ways Are Not Their Ways

By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | August 17th, 2015 at 11:00 PM




From The Comments (why do I do read the comments? All it does is get me ticked off!)


mikeymike14310 hours ago


If the Republicans in office would actually try governing like conservatives, instead of being lapdogs for Obozo and his America-destroying agenda, maybe we wouldn't be so upset with them.




I wonder if he has ever looked up the words Ideology & Politics?



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Our Ways Are Not Their Ways

By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | August 17th, 2015 at 11:00 PM




From The Comments (why do I do read the comments? All it does is get me ticked off!)


mikeymike14310 hours ago


If the Republicans in office would actually try governing like conservatives, instead of being lapdogs for Obozo and his America-destroying agenda, maybe we wouldn't be so upset with them.




I wonder if he has ever looked up the words Ideology & Politics?






Two small questions I keep asking...1. What Do You Want...2. Then What Happens?....I could (probably should) ask a 3rd...3. How Do We Get There?



A couple of moths ago I was at TOS and asked a question (I paraphrase) Mitch McConnell of Harry Reid as Majority Leader of the Senate, which one gives you a better shot at getting your way?" Answer was Mitch McConnell is a bad terrible horrible not good person....in other words one answer to my question. Ideology & Politics.

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Our Ways Are Not Their Ways

By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | August 17th, 2015 at 11:00 PM




From The Comments (why do I do read the comments? All it does is get me ticked off!)


mikeymike14310 hours ago


If the Republicans in office would actually try governing like conservatives, instead of being lapdogs for Obozo and his America-destroying agenda, maybe we wouldn't be so upset with them.




I wonder if he has ever looked up the words Ideology & Politics?






Two small questions I keep asking...1. What Do You Want...2. Then What Happens?....I could (probably should) ask a 3rd...3. How Do We Get There?



A couple of moths ago I was at TOS and asked a question (I paraphrase) Mitch McConnell of Harry Reid as Majority Leader of the Senate, which one gives you a better shot at getting your way?" Answer was Mitch McConnell is a bad terrible horrible not good person....in other words one answer to my question. Ideology & Politics.


Well I'm sure Mitch isn't a bad person just some of the thought process he uses does not fit the needs I / we need from him.

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He has thought processes? I'm gonna need some sources on that. laugh.png


He was to the Aspen Institute (That bastion Right Wing Thought), but won't go on (evil ultra radical) Right Wing talk radio. Now this may come as a shock so prepare yourself...not a lot of Right Wingers pay attention to The Aspen Institute. ohmy.png


The leadership of both the House & Senate needs to talk to us, tell us what's going on, why you're doing what you're doing. Communicating with us would solve a lot of the problems we have.


Drive me nuts!

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