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Walker to union protester: “I am not intimidated by you sir!”


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walker-to-union-protester-i-am-not-intimidated-by-you-sirHot Air:

Ed Morrissey

August 17, 2015


Look, if unions want to send people to disrupt a Scott Walker speech, they should have learned by now that this is not a one-person job. Walker faced down thousands of protesters in Madison four years ago to pass Act 10, and union organizers who tried to remove him as Governor in 2012 and 2014. At the Iowa State Fair today, one heckler tried to derail Walker’s speech, but Walker scoffed and reminded others of his track record in dealing with intimidation attempts (via SooperMexican):





It’s not the only red meat Team Walker tossed out to conservatives today. Walker went after Mitch McConnell in an interview on Glenn Beck’s show today, attempting to align himself with the anti-establishment grassroots fired up by Donald Trump:




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Down in the Polls, Walker Fights for Momentum in Iowa


Des Moines, Iowa — For months, Scott Walker dominated the polls in Iowa.


And then, all of a sudden, he didn’t.


The latest Iowa polls show two political outsiders, Donald Trump and Ben Carson, surging ahead of Walker in the state that will hold the first nominating contest in February. It’s almost six months until voters go to the polls, but after months as the man to beat in the Hawkeye State — a perception fueled at times by his own campaign –Walker arrived at the State Fair on Monday battling the perception that he’s starting to lag, and with questions about whether he can right his course.


His advisers say they’re not concerned.

“You know, look, he’s told everyone that he’s gonna compete in Iowa, he’s gonna come here, and I don’t think a week of snap polls is a reflection of anything,” says Walker adviser David Polyansky, the architect of Iowa senator Joni Ernst’s Senate victory last November.

An early win in Iowa is Walker’s most obvious path to the nomination, and his campaign preparations are evidence of how seriously he is looking for a win here. The super PAC backing Walker recently announced a $7 million ad buy in the state, which is set to run from September through the caucuses in February. After his announcement, Walker spent a day each in Nevada, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. And then he spent several days in Iowa. He has, according to his campaign, 65 Iowa Republicans on his leadership team. With that kind of buildup, some Iowa Republicans say his failure to win the caucuses would be a problem.Scissors-32x32.png



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GOP hopeful Scott Walker offers health plan with tax credits


MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker's plan for replacing President Barack Obama's health care law would extend refundable tax credits to help pay for private health insurance based on age instead of income, restructure Medicaid and allow people to shop for insurance across state lines.


The Wisconsin governor provided details of his proposal to The Associated Press in advance of a Tuesday speech in suburban Minneapolis where he was to outline his first major policy initiative of the presidential campaign.


Walker's plan does not include cost figures or an estimate of the number of people who would be covered, making it nearly impossible to compare with current law. For the period from April to June of this year, 11.4 percent of U.S. adults were uninsured, which translates to about 16 million people gaining coverage since the rollout of Obama's health care law in 2013.


Walker's campaign said the plan would be paid for by eliminating $1 trillion in taxes that are levied under the current law and by making other changes to Medicaid and how health insurance is taxed.Scissors-32x32.png



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Down in the Polls, Walker Fights for Momentum in Iowa


Des Moines, Iowa — For months, Scott Walker dominated the polls in Iowa.


And then, all of a sudden, he didn’t.




Too Much DT. I don't whether to laugh or cry, over this.

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GOP hopeful Scott Walker offers health plan with tax credits


MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker's plan for replacing President Barack Obama's health care law would extend refundable tax credits to help pay for private health insurance based on age instead of income, restructure Medicaid and allow people to shop for insurance across state lines.





Topher Spiro, vice president for health policy at the Center for American Progress, a think tank often aligned with the White House, said Walker's plan would be a step backward.


"The math only adds up if he's slashing Medicaid and increasing taxes on middle-class people with employer plans," Spiro said.



Well this is a real shock! rolleyes.gif



A bit off topic. Something I noticed over the last couple of months is the differences on all the issues between the candidates is not that great. I listen/read Walker....Rubio...Fiorina...etc, and while they may emphasize certain things, there are no real differences (IMO). So what it will come down to is who can make the best argument as to why they would make a good President....and speak to the voters.

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GOP hopeful Scott Walker offers health plan with tax credits


MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker's plan for replacing President Barack Obama's health care law would extend refundable tax credits to help pay for private health insurance based on age instead of income, restructure Medicaid and allow people to shop for insurance across state lines.





Topher Spiro, vice president for health policy at the Center for American Progress, a think tank often aligned with the White House, said Walker's plan would be a step backward.


"The math only adds up if he's slashing Medicaid and increasing taxes on middle-class people with employer plans," Spiro said.



Well this is a real shock! rolleyes.gif



A bit off topic. Something I noticed over the last couple of months is the differences on all the issues between the candidates is not that great. I listen/read Walker....Rubio...Fiorina...etc, and while they may emphasize certain things, there are no real differences (IMO). So what it will come down to is who can make the best argument as to why they would make a good President....and speak to the voters.


Charisma - People like the cover, not so much the book (unless it has free coupons in itwink.png ) that is how we got where we are. People liked the cover and the free coupons and never read the book to see what his story was.

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Down in the Polls, Walker Fights for Momentum in Iowa


Des Moines, Iowa — For months, Scott Walker dominated the polls in Iowa.


And then, all of a sudden, he didn’t.




Too Much DT. I don't whether to laugh or cry, over this.


Can hardly take reading the usual websites. I really don't know what the heck is with them. Attacking any one who says anything against him and any other candidate that comes up with something, they are saying that they are only doing it to copy Trumpangry.png

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Down in the Polls, Walker Fights for Momentum in Iowa


Des Moines, Iowa — For months, Scott Walker dominated the polls in Iowa.


And then, all of a sudden, he didn’t.




Too Much DT. I don't whether to laugh or cry, over this.


Can hardly take reading the usual websites. I really don't know what the heck is with them. Attacking any one who says anything against him and any other candidate that comes up with something, they are saying that they are only doing it to copy Trumpangry.png




"There's A Sucker Born Every Minute."

PT Barnum



It does no real good to argue with them, all they know is they are mad as hell and they;re not gonna take it anymore. My hope is as it comes time to actually vote they will stop and think...President Donald Trump....Really? At least that is my hope, right now they are to busy being mad (and with some justification).

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My Q&A with Scott Walker


It’s safe to say that most conservatives across the country think pretty highly of Wisconsin governor Scott Walker and that he remains one of the few presidential candidates who are at least broadly acceptable to almost every sub-species of Republican. It’s not hard to find Wisconsinites who will wax rhapsodic about Walker’s job performance as well as how friendly and engaging he is.


Yet in the wake of Donald Trump’s bluster, Walker’s quieter but battle-tested toughness and policy successes have seemed to fade a bit from view.


In response, Walker hasn’t tried so much to match Trump’s glitz as to double down on his own considerable substance, issuing a health-care reform plan this week that earned almost universal praise on the right — including from National Review’s Yuval Levin, who called it “the most substantively and politically serious conservative health-care reform we have yet seen from a presidential candidate.”


In my 15-minute private phone interview with Walker on Thursday, I figured that his new health-care proposal should be the obvious starting point. Rather than filter the interview through my impressions, I’ll just present the highlights of the Q&A directly.Scissors-32x32.png



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Scott Walker Is A Racist.

But You Already Knew That. laugh.png

This was on the local news this morningrolleyes.gif I never understood how this woman was elected - but then theres: Alan Grayson, Sheila Jackson Lee etc etc etc etc etc




How she got elected?


I quote from Babylon 5 "They can't be that stupid can they? Always bet on stupidity."

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