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Report: Fiorina viewed Hillary favorably in 2008


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report-fiorina-viewed-hillary-favorably-in-2008.phpPower Line:

Paul Mirengoff

August 16, 2015


Carly Fiorina is one of the success stories of the early days of this presidential cycle. Her unstinting, well-formulated, and vehement attacks on Hillary Clinton make her seem like the presumptive Democratic nominee’s worst nightmare. As such, she now ranks ahead of Rand Paul and Chris Christie in the Real Clear Politics average and ahead of Marco Rubio in the latest Fox News poll.


However, Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post claims that in May 2008, Fiorina told her that if she hadn’t been backing John McCain for president, she would have been for Clinton. According to Marcus, Fiorina added, “that’s off the record.”


In my opinion, Marcus should not be reporting a comment that Fiorina intended to be off the record. But whichever way the journalistic ethics cut, the public is entitled to take Marcus’ information into account, assuming we believe her report.


Fiorina’s campaign told Marcus that she doesn’t remember meeting or talking to Marcus “on this or any other subject.” It also states that at the end of the Clinton-Obama primary — i.e., around May 2008 — Fiorina would have supported Clinton over Obama.







For The Record: In the 2008 Democratic Party Primary the real choices were Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and I thought Halliry was the lesser of two evils....ie I supported Hillary.

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Carly Fiorina is rapidly climbing in the polls, so let's scurry around and find some dirt to dig up.



NAH! That would never happen! MSM doing opposition research on a Republican candidate....Don't be silly.



Do I really need to....rolleyes.gif ?

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