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The Lie Upon Which Rubio’s Social Security Plan is Built


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The Lie Upon Which Rubio’s Social Security Plan is Built

The King Prawn August 15, 2015 at 12:06 pm


Marco Rubio has laid out his plan to save Social Security in the 21st century at National Review Online. As with pretty much every other Republican candidate’s plan save Huckabee’s, it basically entails three steps.


The first: Raise the retirement age for receipt of Social Security benefits:

With Americans now living longer than ever before, the strain on Social Security’s finances is steadily increasing. … First, we must gradually increase the retirement age for individuals under 55.


This is often (nearly always) the first idea. Were this healthcare, it would be called rationing. Scissors-32x32.png

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Dear The King Prawn


Thank you so much for your input. We will give it all the consideration it so richly deserves.



If we really believe this program satisfies a collective moral obligation, then let’s treat it as such. Let’s abolish the myriad taxes and replace them with “one tax to rule them all.” Take from all without bias or favor, give to those actually in need. If we must redistribute wealth, if we must ration the redistribution, then let’s do it all above-board and honestly. If we want our elderly population to live in dignity, if we believe a redistributive welfare program accomplishes that goal, then let’s do exactly that and nothing else with the taxes we confiscate for that purpose.



That is pretty much what Rubio's...Christie's plan does. Not sure how log Marco has been talking about this but Christie has been talking about this since late last fall.

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