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Bernie Sanders surges ahead of Hillary Clinton in stunning new 2016 poll


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poll-bernie-sanders-hillary-clinton-new-hampshire-2015-8Business Insider:

US Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) has surged to a lead over Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire, according to a new Franklin Pierce University/Boston Herald poll out late Tuesday night.


The poll gives Sanders a 44-37 lead over Clinton in the run for the Democratic nomination in the state.


It signals that Clinton will face a tougher-than-expected challenge in the important first-primary state, as voters in the Granite State remain unenthusiastic about her candidacy.


According to the poll, just 35% of New Hampshire Democratic voters said they are "excited" about Clinton's campaign. And 38% of Democrats have a "very favorable" impression of Clinton (though eight in 10 Democrats do view her favorably in general).


All of Clinton's numbers have plunged significantly since March, when Franklin Pierce University last surveyed the Granite State. In March, 50% of Democratic voters in the state viewed her "very favorably."



The Clinton collapse continues.

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