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Clinton to surrender email server to feds; watchdog confirms ‘top secret’ content


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State Department flags 305 more Clinton e-mails for review


@Valin! I think the drip, drip, drip has at least been turn up to a stream....


Will Hillary still be a candidate on Christmas Eve 2015?


PS I was over at DU earlier today. They could not be more clueless if someone hit them with the Clueless Stick. Even the Bernie supporters. Amazing!

Edited by Valin
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State Department flags 305 more Clinton e-mails for review


@Valin! I think the drip, drip, drip has at least been turn up to a stream....


Will Hillary still be a candidate on Christmas Eve 2015?


PS I was over at DU earlier today. They could not be more clueless if someone hit them with the Clueless Stick. Even the Bernie supporters. Amazing!



So I don't think the Top Secret emails will be her undoing. No one will prosecute her. It would have to come from finding emails that she and her team did not forward on as gov. business that contain bad stuff. Then it is absolutely clear she and her team were in cover up mode.

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State Department flags 305 more Clinton e-mails for review


@Valin! I think the drip, drip, drip has at least been turn up to a stream....


Will Hillary still be a candidate on Christmas Eve 2015?


PS I was over at DU earlier today. They could not be more clueless if someone hit them with the Clueless Stick. Even the Bernie supporters. Amazing!



So I don't think the Top Secret emails will be her undoing. No one will prosecute her. It would have to come from finding emails that she and her team did not forward on as gov. business that contain bad stuff. Then it is absolutely clear she and her team were in cover up mode.




I'm not thinking legalities (because this is the Obama DOJ), I'm thinking Politics. If her poll numbers keep dropping, at some point the powers that be in the Democratic Party will tell her...Time To Go...Time for you to be a Party Elder.



As always I reserve my God given Right To Be Wrong.

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State Department flags 305 more Clinton e-mails for review


@Valin! I think the drip, drip, drip has at least been turn up to a stream....


Will Hillary still be a candidate on Christmas Eve 2015?


PS I was over at DU earlier today. They could not be more clueless if someone hit them with the Clueless Stick. Even the Bernie supporters. Amazing!



So I don't think the Top Secret emails will be her undoing. No one will prosecute her. It would have to come from finding emails that she and her team did not forward on as gov. business that contain bad stuff. Then it is absolutely clear she and her team were in cover up mode.




I'm not thinking legalities (because this is the Obama DOJ), I'm thinking Politics. If her poll numbers keep dropping, at some point the powers that be in the Democratic Party will tell her...Time To Go...Time for you to be a Party Elder.



As always I reserve my God given Right To Be Wrong.



Agree, that is why I'm saying it has to be the "cover up" looks bad. She purposely hid bad emails. Key is finding the emails they did not provide to State. I don't think the Top Secret stuff is going to do it.

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I don't think the Top Secret stuff is going to do it.



You could be right. If she is the nominee, whoever the GOP nominates should make the point over and over and over...(paraphrase) "everything Hillary Clinton Emailed for her 4 years in office is known by nations that are not America's friends or allies. Sec. State Hillary Clinton for the sake of her...Convenience has jeopardized the security of the United States of America. Then flash a picture of Putin or Khamenei and say He Knows More About What Sec. Clinton Said Than You or I do."

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Tech Firm That Housed Hillary Clinton’s Private Server Kept Servers in an Apartment Bathroom: Report
Kaitlyn Schallhorn

Aug. 18, 2015


The IT company that stored Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was secretary of state operated out of a small loft apartment where its servers were stored in the bathroom, according to a new report.


The Daily Mail reported that employees of the Denver-based Platte River Networks worked out of a 1,858-square foot loft apartment up until this year, when they moved into a 12,000-square foot building. A former employee who spoke to the Daily Mail said the apartment was owned by the company’s cofounders and said she resided in the same building.


“I don’t know how they run their operation now, but we literally had our server racks in the bathroom,” Tera Dadiotis, a 30-year-old former customer relations employee who worked at Platte River Networks from 2007 to 2010, was quoted as saying.


Dadiotis said that given the size of the firm, she didn’t “see how that would be secure” enough for Clinton.


“At the time I worked for them they wouldn’t have been equipped to work for Hilary Clinton because I don’t think they had the resources, they were based out of a loft, so [it was] not very high security, we didn’t even have an alarm,” she told the Daily Mail.



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Tech Firm That Housed Hillary Clinton’s Private Server Kept Servers in an Apartment Bathroom: Report

Kaitlyn Schallhorn

Aug. 18, 2015


The IT company that stored Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was secretary of state operated out of a small loft apartment where its servers were stored in the bathroom, according to a new report.


The Daily Mail reported that employees of the Denver-based Platte River Networks worked out of a 1,858-square foot loft apartment up until this year, when they moved into a 12,000-square foot building. A former employee who spoke to the Daily Mail said the apartment was owned by the company’s cofounders and said she resided in the same building.


“I don’t know how they run their operation now, but we literally had our server racks in the bathroom,” Tera Dadiotis, a 30-year-old former customer relations employee who worked at Platte River Networks from 2007 to 2010, was quoted as saying.


Dadiotis said that given the size of the firm, she didn’t “see how that would be secure” enough for Clinton.


“At the time I worked for them they wouldn’t have been equipped to work for Hilary Clinton because I don’t think they had the resources, they were based out of a loft, so [it was] not very high security, we didn’t even have an alarm,” she told the Daily Mail.





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FBI Optimistic It Can Recover Some Data From Clinton Server

Richard Esposito and Pete Williams

Aug 18 2015, 5:28 pm ET


The FBI may be able to recover at least some data from Hillary Clinton's private email server even though there was an attempt to wipe it, two sources with direct knowledge of the process told NBC News on Tuesday.


The FBI is investigating the security of Clinton's personal server and the thumb drives that contain emails related to her work as secretary of state during President Barack Obama's first term. The Clinton campaign has previously acknowledged that there was an attempt to wipe the server before it was turned over last week to the FBI.


The FBI "will try to figure what's there, how it got there and who put it there," one of the sources said.



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Clinton pulls plug on testy presser over server questions

Ben Kamisar

August 18, 2015, 06:22 pm


Hillary Clinton dismissed the controversy surrounding her private email server and defended her conduct as legal during a press conference in Las Vegas. A visibly aggravated Clinton repeatedly insisted that she had done nothing wrong, and seemed frustrated at questions about the issue.




Aides could be heard in the background telling reporters that Clinton had to go, but she remained to answer questions for a few more minutes before leaving. As she walked away, she turned back to reporters who continued to ask questions with a shrug. Her comments came hours after NBC News reported that the FBI is hoping to recover some data from her server, which Clinton’s team turned over last week after months of criticism from Republican lawmakers and even some Democrats.



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I'm functionally illiterate when it comes to computers. I have a question. Would I be wrong in thinking anyone who hacked into Hillary's server, got access to every computer she connected to through her server?

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Well if it was only an email server, or at least that is all she accessed from it, then theoretically one with access to the server could embed some hidden code into an email. Then it would be up to how sophisticated the person was and the level of protection she has on the other devices to keep a virus from loading from email. Without using an infected email though they could learn the internet address of her devices and possibly do something with that info.

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Well if it was only an email server, or at least that is all she accessed from it, then theoretically one with access to the server could embed some hidden code into an email. Then it would be up to how sophisticated the person was and the level of protection she has on the other devices to keep a virus from loading from email. Without using an infected email though they could learn the internet address of her devices and possibly do something with that info.


Well then its a good thing no foreign intelligence services had access to to it. smile.png



Thanks. Like I said I'm functionally illiterate with this stuff.

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Allies fault Hillary Clinton's response on emails

She’s too legalistic and fails to grasp the need for a broader political strategy, they say.

Annie Karni



LAS VEGAS — As Hillary Clinton faces a new round of questions about her email use as secretary of state, some longtime allies are increasingly worried that she’s learned little from past scandals, and is falling back on her tendency to mount a legalistic defense that only encourages perceptions that she has something to hide.




“There is definitely concern out there,” said Brock, who also serves on the board of the pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA. “In speaking with people, I’ve learned that the qualms go away once they know the facts and the evidence, which most people are not taking the time to sift through.”


But that message isn’t always getting out there, he said. “The class of general Democratic pundits and strategists are often unwilling to buck the conventional wisdom in Washington: they go on the air, they hedge their defenses and they don’t argue the case effectively,” Brock said, without naming any specific individuals. “That’s because they’re more interested in looking reasonable to their colleagues in the media than winning the fight.” …


“It needs its time to work its way through,” said Brock of the facts the campaign is trying to put out. “It seems to me [the Republicans’] strategy is if they shoot enough blanks it could have a marginal effect.”




Brock is currently working on a book, “The Right Wing Plot to Derail Hillary and Hijack Your Government,” due out Sept. 15, that might help. It is intended to serve as a handbook on how to defend Clinton against partisan attacks.




(I Love This!!)


“I hope Hillary testifies,” agreed Paul Begala, a longtime Clinton adviser who serves on the board of Priorities USA. “The Republicans have created this straw-woman, so when the real Hillary shows up, strong and knowledgeable and reasonable and responsible and fact-based, she’ll kick their butts.”






H/T Hot Air



she’ll kick their butts.








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She has 'testified' once. She was not "strong, knowledgeable reasonable and responsible and fact-based ". She yelled at my Senator who asked reasonable questions. Her 'reasonable' response was "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?" I wonder if the congressman would let her get away with that response now?

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She has 'testified' once. She was not "strong, knowledgeable reasonable and responsible and fact-based ". She yelled at my Senator who asked reasonable questions. Her 'reasonable' response was "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?" I wonder if the congressman would let her get away with that response now?



I claim the beer concession when she does testify. biggrin.png



A caller on Bill Bennett's show this morning was wording if all these investigations (FBI...IG...State Dept.) are coming from the WH? The thinking might be 1. deflect criticism from the WH, 2. No love lost between Barry and Hillary, 3. Knock her out and get someone in that the Obama's could control more...ie 3rd Obama term.


Food for thought.

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Maybe 1 & 2. About three- beside his so called 'legacy', I don't think he gives a hoot about what comes after. He's going to be a worldwide community organizer that will rake in as much money as he can possible fit in between golf and luxury living. He will still continue to stir up as much divisiveness as he can for a long as he can. Some of the people that he has pushed to the background in order for him to seem like someone he is not, will again become pals and help him out.

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Clinton aides’ BlackBerrys likely destroyed

Julian Hattem



State Department BlackBerry devices issued to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's aides Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin have likely been destroyed or sold off, the department said in a court filing on Wednesday.


Mills and Abedin “were each issued BlackBerry devices,” department Executive Secretary Joseph Macmanus wrote in the filing. The department, however, “has not located any such device,” and believes that they would have been destroyed or removed from the department's control.

“Because the devices issues to Ms. Mills and Ms. Abedin would have been outdated models, in accordance with standard operating procedures those devices would have been destroyed or excessed,” Macmanus added.

State Department spokesman John Kirby confirmed later on Wednesday afternoon that the two former officials’ devices were returned to the department after they left office. “They belong to the United States government, and when you leave an agency you just turn it in,” Kirby said. “So yes, they were turned in. Where they are now I couldn’t begin to tell you.



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The Republican National Committee is hitting Hillary Clinton as hard as possible over her recent joke about wiping her email server clean with a cloth.


The political organization is selling a “Secret Server Wiper” for a mere $5.





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Stealing the idea for this from a comment on the net...


Let's hope Hillary is no better at wiping a server clean than Bill was at wiping a blue dress clean....

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NPR: Government Inquiry Into Clinton Emails Likely To Widen
Carrie Johnson
August 19, 2015

For now, federal authorities characterize the Justice Department inquiry into Hillary Clinton's private email server as a security situation: a simple matter of finding out whether classified information leaked out during her tenure as secretary of state, and where it went.

Except, former government officials said, that's not going to be so simple.

"I think that the FBI will be moving with all deliberate speed to determine whether there were serious breaches of national security here," said Ron Hosko, who used to lead the FBI's criminal investigative division.

He said agents will direct their questions not just at Clinton, but also her close associates at the State Department and beyond.

"I would want to know how did this occur to begin with, who knew, who approved," Hosko said.

Authorities are asking whether Clinton or her aides mishandled secrets about the Benghazi attacks and other subjects by corresponding about them in emails.

For her part, Clinton said she did not use that email account to send or receive anything marked classified.

"Whether it was a personal account or a government account, I did not send classified material, and I did not receive any material that was marked or designated classified which is the way you know whether something is," she said Tuesday in a question-and-answer session with reporters.



M D • 16 hours ago

Since she used this server so she wouldn't have to have multiple cell phones (her words), I have a question: if as she is quoted in this article as saying that no classified emails where on it, just how did she get classified info?

stuart speer M D • 16 hours ago


stuart speer enpare • 16 hours ago

She knew you were going to say that.




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