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Clinton to surrender email server to feds; watchdog confirms ‘top secret’ content


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OK so now it comes out the 3rd party she was using to maintain (that means remote access to all of her server) is NOT one of the 1000's of companies with clearance to work with government data.

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OK so now it comes out the 3rd party she was using to maintain (that means remote access to all of her server) is NOT one of the 1000's of companies with clearance to work with government data.

So what does that mean with Obama's DoJ ?

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OK so now it comes out the 3rd party she was using to maintain (that means remote access to all of her server) is NOT one of the 1000's of companies with clearance to work with government data.

So what does that mean with Obama's DoJ ?




Not much, I suspect

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The government’s nonchalant response to Hillary’s security breaches, part 3

Scott Johnson

August 15, 2015


Paul Mirengoff has written about the government’s nonchalant response to the serious security issues raised Madam Hillary’s private email/server here (part 1) and here (part 2). At last word the government has retrieved Clinton’s (wiped) server from Platte River Networks, the company she had entrusted to do her dirty work.


But consider these wrinkles: Platte River Networks says it copied the server before wiping it — copies of the emails were apparently produced from the latter server — and it produced the blank server to the FBI. Why did it store the blank server after copying it? Platte River Networks offered no answer to that question. And that’s not all. Platte River Networks was not cleared to handle classified materials in the first place. Chuck Ross and Richard Pollock report these two related stories, which seem to take us deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole.

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Washington Post: “a number of Hillary’s statements appear to be false” [With Comment by John]

Paul Mirengoff

August 15, 2015



The Washington Post, in an article called “Clinton’s team went from nonchalant to nervous over e-mail controversy,” does a good job of demonstrating that Hillary Clinton has spoken falsely in trying to brush off this scandal. As Post reporters Carol Leonnig, Karen Tumulty, and Rosalind Helderman put it, “the issues around Clinton’s e-mails have. . .intensified as it has become clear that a number of her statements defending her actions now appear to be false.”


Let’s take a look at the record. Clinton has said multiple times that she never sent or received any e-mails containing information that was classified at the time. And when her use of a private e-mail account first came to light in March, Clinton said “I’m certainly well-aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material.”




Unfortunately, Hillary Clinton wasn’t alarmed about the prospect of sharing state secrets with our adversaries. What alarmed her was the thing that caused her to set up a private email account in the first place — the thought that the American people might one day learn how she conducted the nation’s business.


JOHN adds: This post should be read in conjunction with this one which I did earlier this evening. Taken together, a reasonable inference is that at this point, Hillary and her lawyers are focused on avoiding criminal charges.

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How did Hillary’s lawyers search a server no longer in her possession

Posted by William A. Jacobson Thursday, August 13, 2015 at 10:11pm


and which had been wiped clean?


There is a time gap which may hold the key to Hillary’s hide-and-seek email game.


According to the Washington Post and other reporting, a Colorado server company obtained possession of Hillary’s server in 2013, transferred the data, leaving a blank server with no usable data at a storage facility in New Jersey.

Yet, in a letter filed on August 12, 2015 with the federal Court in the Judicial Watch FOIA litigation regarding Huma Abedin’s outside employment, Hillary’s lawyer, David Kendall. represented that Hillary did not ask counsel to review her emails until late 2014. [Full embed at bottom of post.] He also confirmed that the Colorado company has had possession of the original server since 2013. Scissors-32x32.png


On Friday, August 14, 2015, the State Department is required to provide additional information to the Court.Scissors-32x32.png


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August 16, 2015

You Don't Have (Hillary's) Mail

By Clarice Feldman

Before the Kardashians, reality soap opera fans had the Clintons. If you are too young to have lived through or too old to remember clearly those years, Thomas Lifson has a neat synopsis of As the Clinton World Turns,


This week’s episode, "Three Card Monty", continues as Hillary’s various stories about the official emails she improperly kept on a private server come undone. To refresh the story -- in order to protect national security, assure transparency in government, and to preserve an archive of official actions, she was supposed to use a secured Department of State server. Instead she kept a private, previously undisclosed server which held on it all her official and personal emails and those of her aides. A Freedom of Information Act case was filed and the woman her husband once called “the smartest woman in the world” and her spinners have been churning out excuses ever since

This week we learned the following: Scissors-32x32.png


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Number of Hillary Clinton’s emails flagged for classified data grows to 60 as review continues

John Solomon

Sunday, August 16, 2015


While media coverage has focused on a half-dozen of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s personal emails containing sensitive intelligence, the total number of her private emails identified by an ongoing State Department review as having contained classified data has ballooned to 60, officials told The Washington Times. That figure is current through the end of July and is likely to grow as officials wade through a total of 30,000 work-related emails that passed through her personal email server, officials said. The process is expected to take months.




Among the first 60 flagged emails, nearly all contained classified secrets at the lowest level of “confidential” and one contained information at the intermediate level of “secret,” officials told the Times. Those 60 emails do not include two emails identified in recent days by Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III as containing “top-secret” information possibly derived from Pentagon satellites, drones or intercepts, which is some of the nation’s most sensitive secrets. State officials and the intelligence community are working to resolve questions about those and other emails with possible classified information, a process that isn’t likely to be completed until January.




As the number of suspect emails grows and the classification review continues, it is clear that predictions contained in a notification Mr. McCullough sent Congress this summer is likely to hold true: Mrs. Clinton’s personal emails likely contained hundreds of disclosures of classified information.


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Hero Marine Nailed for Secret Email: What Did He Do That Hillary Didn’t?

Clinton could still become president after her email scandal, but a decorated Marine is being forced out over one classified report he sent to avert a disaster.

Michael Daly

Aug. 14 2015


No matter how much classified material is found in her personal email server, Hillary Clinton will no doubt continue campaigning to become our next president.


Meanwhile, a decorated Marine officer who has deployed four times faces being discharged from the corps he loves because he used his personal email to send a single classified report as an urgent warning when lives were at stake.


The stateside message from Marine Reserves Major Jason Brezler to Forward Operating Base Delhi in Now Zad, Helmand Province, Afghanistan, went unheeded. Three young Marines were shot to death as they worked out in a gym by an Afghan teen brought on the base by the same corrupt and double-dealing pedophile police chief whom Brezler had declared to be an immediate threat.


Yet the only person to be investigated in connection with the killings is Brezler, the Marine who sought to prevent them.





H/T Max Boot

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‘This is HUGE!': Full backup server could hold ALL of Hillary’s email, ABC reports



Hillary Clinton’s game of hide and seek may soon be coming to an abrupt end.


The company responsible for handling her infamous email server, Platte River Networks, which handed over a blank server to the FBI last week, now told ABC News it is “highly likely” that a backup of said server exists and that the company is cooperating with the FBI in its investigation.


Of the emails Clinton turned over, some contained top secret information, in violation of several U.S. statutes. Imagine what’s included in what she didn’t turn over.


We might not have to wonder much longer.

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Backup Server would be very bad news for Hillary


Posted by William A. Jacobson August 16, 2015 at 9:30pm

ABC News reports there may be a backup server.


As I mentioned in prior posts, from the very start Hillary Clinton’s email and server stories were inconsistent and self-contradictory.


On the one hand, in her March 10, 2015 press conference, Hillary said the server housing her email system would not be turned over because it contained personal messages between her and Bill. Hillary’s answer suggested that the server existed and was under her control. (Put aside that Bill’s spokesman says he only sent two emails in his life, when he was President.) Scissors-32x32.png

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Well it's Monday morning and here is Morning Joe....



Question: Is there an Intelligence Agency any where in the world that doesn't know what was on that server?



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Bob Woodward: Clinton emails 'reminds me of the Nixon tapes'

Veteran Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward on Monday compared the email controversy engulfing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to the downfall of President Richard Nixon.

On MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Woodward, who through his reporting helped break open the Watergate scandal, said it's at least suspicious that Clinton's emails from her tenure as secretary of state were wiped away from a server she owned privately.


"Follow the trail here," Woodward said. "There are all these emails. Well, they were sent to someone or someone sent them to her. So, if things have been erased here, there's a way to go back to these emails or who received them from Hillary Clinton. So, you've got a massive amount of data in a way, reminds me of the Nixon tapes: Thousands of hours of secretly recorded conversations that Nixon thought were exclusively his."Scissors-32x32.png



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Report: State officials hiding extent of classified info on Clinton servers


State Department officials tasked with screening Hillary Clinton's emails for release under the Freedom of Information Act are using exemptions in the transparency law to mask the extent of classified information they encounter.


Intelligence community officials who were brought into the FOIA review process amid concerns over potentially classified material have alerted their inspector general that State FOIA officers are altering classification decisions, according to a report by the Washington Times.


After intelligence officials have flagged parts of emails as classified, State Department employees have instead redacted those same passages under one of nine exemptions permitted under FOIA.


For example, an email set aside as classified by an intelligence expert may be exempted under a "deliberative process" provision that protects agency decision-making.Scissors-32x32.png


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More. Drip...Drip...Drip...Drip


Scarborough: Say, where was the FBI for the last six months while classified material was in the open? Update: 300 potentially classified e-mails out of 6000?
12:01 pm on August 17, 2015 by Ed Morrissey

I’m tempted to use the Eric “Otter” Stratton explanation from Animal House in response to Joe Scarborough’s question, but that might be somewhat unfair. The FBI didn’t know that Top Secret/compartmented information was out in the open until so informed by the intel community Inspectors General last month, and the IGs didn’t know because the State Department had pushed them to the margins on their investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server. And let’s not forget that State wasn’t telling anyone about Hillary’s exclusive use of the secret e-mail system until the House Select Committee on Benghazi found out about it a year ago, not even federal courts when challenged on FOIA requests.

In other words, right rant — but probably wrong agency, although Scarborough does mention State in passing:


Update: Allahpundit e-mailed me an update from the Washington Times on the count of e-mails flagged for potentially classified material found in the Hillary Clinton trove. It’s now gone over 300 e-mails out of 6,000 reviewed, for a failure rate of 5%:

More than 300 of former Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails — or 5.1 percent of those processed so far — have been flagged for potential secret information, the State Department reported to a federal court Monday.

Officials insisted, however, that the screening process is running smoothly and they are back on track after falling behind a judge’s schedule for making all of the emails public.

The reviewers have screened about 20 percent of the 30,000 emails Mrs. Clinton returned to the department, which means if the rate of potentially secret information remains steady, more than 1,500 messages will have to be sent to intelligence community agencies, known in government as “IC,” to screen out classified information.

“Out of a sample of approximately 20% of the Clinton emails, the IC reviewers have only recommended 305 documents — approximately 5.1% — for referral to their agencies for consultation,” the Obama administration said in new court papers.






So I ask once again, Will Hillary still be a candidate on Christmas Eve 2015?

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From the Washington Times Comments


"I did not have factual relations with those people, The American Citizen"

--Hillary Clinton


"I did not have foreign relations with that man, President Obama"

--Hillary Clinton (h/t Marcus Wel for the faux quote)


"I did not have email relations with that department, state.gov"

--Hillary Clinton


"I did not have textual relations with that server, @hillaryclinton.com"

--Hillary Clinton


Q: You sure you turned over all the emails, Mrs. Clinton? Hillary: That depends on the meaning of "all."

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As of this morning, most of the robots are still standing by her. As time passes, it will get harder to replace her. If they don't put in another 'just in case' real candidate soon, they will be left with the dregs they have now

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As of this morning, most of the robots are still standing by her. As time passes, it will get harder to replace her. If they don't put in another 'just in case' real candidate soon, they will be left with the dregs they have now



Would I be a bad terrible wicked evil person if I were to make some popcorn and watch the fun? evil1.gif



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As of this morning, most of the robots are still standing by her. As time passes, it will get harder to replace her. If they don't put in another 'just in case' real candidate soon, they will be left with the dregs they have now



Would I be a bad terrible wicked evil person if I were to make some popcorn and watch the fun? evil1.gif




Yep! Make extra for mewink.png

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