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Clinton to surrender email server to feds; watchdog confirms ‘top secret’ content


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hillary-clinton-turn-over-private-email-server-fedWashingrton Times:

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said she will turn her email server over to federal investigators, as a key watchdog confirmed Tuesday that her emails did contain “top secret” material that was even more sensitive than previously disclosed.


Nick Merrill, a spokesman for the former senator and first lady, said she directed her team to give investigators both her server, which she used exclusively for emails during her tenure in the State Department, and a flash drive that her lawyer has, and which also has copies of the messages.Scissors-32x32.png


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Hillary Clinton admits she regrets using her personal server to send important emails

Katie Hind

12 August 2015

Presidency hopeful Hillary Clinton has revealed she regrets sending work emails from her personal server. Breaking her silence after the FBI seized her messages after finding she had two messages classified as “top secret” on her insecure home computer, the Democrat candidate hopeful also insists that she only ever sent non-confidential information from her personal account. In an email sent out to her supporters on Wednesday morning, she also explained that she would view confidential material on paper in her office or while travelling.


It insists that having a personal email address while serving as Secretary of State was also permitted. The email read: “Like other Secretaries of State who served before her, Hillary used a personal email address, and the rules of the State Department permitted it. She's already acknowledged that, in hindsight, it would have been better just to use separate work and personal email accounts. No one disputes that. “Hillary only used her personal account for unclassified email. No information in her emails was marked classified at the time she sent or received them. She viewed classified materials in hard copy in her office or via other secure means while traveling, not on email.






Still lying confused

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The Hillary Clinton Email Saga: Still No There There

Kevin Drum
Wed Aug. 12, 2015


Is Hillary Clinton starting to get into serious trouble over the personal email account she maintained as Secretary of State? Hard to say. So far there's no evidence that she did anything wrong, just a beef between State and CIA over whether some of the emails she sent and received were classified properly at the time. That may change, but for now that's all we've got.




It may turn out at some point that Clinton did something wrong. So far, her only real sin is looking guilty—and I'll confess I don't understand why she's acting that way. All it does is give Republicans ammunition and give the press corps an excuse to treat her the way they used to in the 90s. But as near as I can tell, there's just nothing here, which is why I haven't bothered writing about it. Aside from the obvious political motivations (for Republicans) and personal animus (among the press), is there anything actually going on here? What am I missing?





What am I missing? How about pretty much everything.

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Drudge has managed to find the most unflattering photo of Hillary yet to feature on his page tonight. blink.png



Certainly in the top ten!


Thanks for the link


The Spy Satellite Secrets in Hillary’s Emails

These weren’t just ordinary secrets found in Clinton’s private server, but some of the most classified material the U.S. government has.

John R. Schindler



After months of denials and delaying actions, Hillary Clinton has decided to turn over her private email server to the Department of Justice. As this controversy has grown since the spring, Clinton and her campaign operatives have repeatedly denied that she had placed classified information in her personal email while serving as Secretary of State during President Obama’s first term. (“I am confident that I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received,” she said last month.) Her team also denied that she would ever hand over her server to investigators. Now both those assertions have been overturned.


Hillary Clinton has little choice but to hand over her server to authorities since it now appears increasingly likely that someone on her staff violated federal laws regarding the handling of classified materials. On August 11, after extensive investigation, the Intelligence Community’s Inspector General reported to Congress that it had found several violations of security policy in Clinton’s personal emails.


Most seriously, the Inspector General assessed that Clinton’s emails included information that was highly classified—yet mislabeled as unclassified. Worse, the information in question should have been classified up to the level of “TOP SECRET//SI//TK//NOFORN,” according to the Inspector General’s report.


You may have seen acronym lists like these on declassified documents before—and glazed over them. This is the arcane language of the cleared cognoscenti so let me explain what this means:



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Drudge has managed to find the most unflattering photo of Hillary yet to feature on his page tonight. blink.png

I don't think finding an unflattering pic of Hillary is difficultwink.pngtongue.png

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Oh Mika, Mika Mika! You take cluelessness to a whole new level. An Incredibly Strong Candidate! Really?




It wouldn't surprise me a bit if in the dictionary under the word Clueless




They Have Your Picture

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Issa: If Sandy Berger Goes Down for Pants-Stuffing Classified Docs, Clinton Should Too

Bridget Johnson

Aug. 13 2015


The former chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said “the only reasonable path forward is a criminal investigation” into Hillary Clinton’s use of private email.


Rep. Darrell Issa’s (R-Calif.) comments come after news that Clinton’s server, which she’d been called upon to let a third-party investigator review but refused, finally was ending up in the hands of the FBI.


“If any other American had shown the same disregard for securing classified information that Hillary Clinton showed, the United States government would move quickly and decisively to hold them responsible. Months after we learned about Clinton’s secret e-mail server, the FBI and DOJ have finally mustered the motivation necessary to take it into their custody,” Issa said.


The inspector general for the intelligence community confirmed in a memo this week that there was classified information in the emails stored on Hillary Clinton’s private server.






Sorry Bridget nothing really happened to Sandy. He lost his license to practice law. Big Fat Hairy Deal.

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Judge orders State Department to probe Hillary Clinton’s ‘personal’ emails

Stephen Dinan

Updated: 7:02 p.m. Thursday, August 13, 2015


A federal judge ordered the State Department on Thursday to work with the FBI to try to get access to the 32,000 emails former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said were personal and that she didn’t return to the government, as the courts get more deeply involved in her email practices.


One judge is trying to decide how the government is going about determining what classified information is included in Mrs. Clinton’s messages, while another is exploring the email practices of Mrs. Clinton’s top aides, as the State Department deals with a backlog of requests for her communications, which she only recently returned to the administration.


Responding to a judge’s order, the State Department instructed Mrs. Clinton and aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills to save all “federal documents, electronic or otherwise, in her possession or control,” and to assure the government that none of them will be deleted.




Lawyers for both Ms. Abedin and Ms. Mills responded with assurances their clients would not destroy any documents, while David E. Kendall, Mrs. Clinton’s lawyer, only assured the State Department that Mrs. Clinton wouldn’t delete any emails she deemed federal records.



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Report: Top secret Clinton emails covered drones

Jesse Byrnes

Aug. 14 2015


The two “top secret" emails under review from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private server include discussion of an article about a U.S. drone operation, the Associated Press reported Friday.


While the U.S. drone program has been widely reported on, the article references classified information and a Clinton adviser follows up "in a way that could possibly be inferred as confirmation," the AP said, citing intelligence officials.


Officials offered the AP different accounts of the second email, saying it could improperly acknowledge classified information or merely show that different individuals separately got the same information.



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FBI Said to Examine Whether Hillary Clinton E-Mail Was Backed Up

Del Quentin Wilber

Aug 14 2015


The FBI is seeking to determine whether data from Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's private e-mail server may still exist elsewhere, a U.S. official said.


After acquiring the server on Wednesday, agents are attempting to determine whether e-mails may have been backed up on another machine, said the official, who asked for anonymity. The official said it's one of the next logical steps in the agency's investigation into whether the former secretary of state's private e-mail account handled classified information.


Barbara Wells, an attorney for Platte River Networks, a Denver-based company that has managed Clinton's private e-mail since 2013, said in a phone interview Thursday that the server turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation “is blank and does not contain any useful data.” But Wells added that the data on Clinton's server was migrated to another server that still exists. She ended the interview when questioned further, declining to say whether the data still exists on that other server and who has possession of it.



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Judge orders State Department to probe Hillary Clinton’s ‘personal’ emails

Stephen Dinan

Updated: 7:02 p.m. Thursday, August 13, 2015


This has always been my big issue with the thing. The accused wrong doer gets to decide which emails to return.




What gets me about this. Like so many of us who served, I had a security clearance (Secret in Korea, Confidential at Duluth) , we were counseled regularly that if we didn't keep our mouths shut Uncle Sam would drop the hammer on us. Anyone with the brains God gave an animal cracker would know anything relating to Keyhole Satellites was (Above) Top Secret.


This was her only means of electronic communication and in 4 years she never received anything classified over her server? GIVE ME A BREAK!.

Without her and Barry screwing up Benghazi and the aftermath, no one would never had known...well except for the Russians...Chinese...The Zimbabweans. If they had come out and said "We Screwed This Up. Now we're going to try and make sure it doesn't happen again...ever." End of the story.

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Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of sensitive, classified, and even top secret information has finally prompted widespread discussion as to whether she committed crimes. The discussion is warranted, particularly given the Obama administration’s aggressive posture in cases involving leaks and the mishandling of classified material.

The prosecution of General Petraeus springs immediately to mind. As Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor, points out:

[Petraeus] was tarred, feathered and ridden out of the CIA on a rail for sharing some information (his own notebook) with his biographer who was both in the military and had a top secret clearance. Yet, Petraeus did not have a secret server set up to house his classified and top secret information or digital satellite imagery; he destroyed nothing; and, there was no “leak.”

The potential consequences associated with Petraeus’ breach pales in comparison to the likely damage caused by Hillary Clinton putting top secret information on a home brew server susceptible to Russian, Chinese, and other hostile hackers.

Powell also recalls the case of Fox News reporter James Rosen. The Holder Justice Department not only seized his emails immediately and without his knowledge, they suggested he was a criminal “co-conspirator” in a leak case—under the Espionage Act—which carries a ten-year term of imprisonment.Scissors-32x32.png



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Intelligence community wants Clinton’s security clearance suspended


Security experts say that if Hillary Rodham Clinton retained her government security clearance when she left the State Department, as is normal practice, it should be suspended now that it is known her unprotected private email server contained top secret material.


“Standard procedure is that when there is evidence of a security breach, the clearance of the individual is suspended in many, but not all, cases,” said retired Army Lt. Gen. William Boykin, who was deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence in the George W. Bush administration. “This rises to the level of requiring a suspension.”Scissors-32x32.png



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Will Huma Fall on Her Sword for Hillary?

by Roger L Simon AUGUST 13, 2015 - 11:49 PM


fo They say it’s not the crime, but the coverup. But sometimes it’s the crime and the coverup. Hillary Clinton’s metastasizing email scandal is beginning to look more and more like a case of both.


Back in the seventies, Charles Colson of Watergate fame boasted he would “walk over my own grandmother” to assure the election of Richard Nixon. Hillary Clinton — who cut her teeth on the very Watergate investigation before she was “let go” by the House Judiciary Committee under disputed circumstances — now may have to demand the same kind of loyalty from longtime “girl Friday” Huma Abedin. From Politico:


Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s most trusted confidante, is increasingly becoming a central figure in the email scandal that’s haunting her boss on the campaign trail, Scissors-32x32.png


r Hi http://pjmedia.com/diaryofamadvoter/2015/08/13/will-huma-fall-on-her-sword-for-hillary/

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Question: Will The Clinton Campaign Survive This?


Thing is, we could expect these candidates to attack Hilly on this, but we're also seeing the MSM asking...disturbing....inconvenient questions on this.


Will she go to prison or get probation? (hate to say it ) Probably not, But it may very well be the end of the (bad, terrible, not good,) Hillary Clinton For President Campaign. She has spent the last (?) 20 years trying to be President, all wasted.

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