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Republicans, Conservatives and Unions- Part 1


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republicans-conservatives-unions-part-1RedState: Republicans, Conservatives and Unions- Part 1

By: davenj1 (Diary) | August 9th, 2015 at 08:19 AM


Linda Misja is a teacher in Pennsylvania. Part and parcel of being a teacher, dues are held back from her paycheck and remitted to the Pennsylvania State Education Association- a state affiliate of the NEA. Ms. Misja is also a Christian with sincerely held beliefs who is fighting the PSEA and has $2,000 held in escrow over union dues and what is done with them. She objects to the fact that the union uses some of their funds for political advocacy in support of liberal causes and candidates with whom she disagrees. The PSEA does allow a religious exemption, but they object to her insistence that her dues be directed towards a pro-life group and the NRA. Linda Misja’s “crime” is that she is a conservative and a Christian who believe in life and is pro-gun rights. It is examples like this which illustrate conservative objections to unions. The Left portrays conservative animosity to organized labor as being anti-worker, or pro-business. It is what drives their entire agenda in this area and is why Clinton, Sanders and O’Malley tout unions Scissors-32x32.png

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Republicans, Conservatives, and Unions- Part 2

By: davenj1 (Diary) | August 10th, 2015 at 07:08 AM


As the number of public union worker members has increased and has now surpassed the number of private sector union members, organized labor’s strategy has shifted from the use of strikes to one of political advocacy and money. Most of the action is at the state level since there are more local and state public worker union members than federal ones. Thus, organized labor has taken to the streets, state houses and courts of states to advance their agenda with some serious setbacks most importantly in Michigan and Wisconsin- two states known for organized labor. In essence, their strategy has been to put the breaks to overall union membership declines by advancing public worker union influence and membership. Removing those breaks or weakening them has led to frustration and a backlash by organized labor. The most famous of these instances was the demonstrations and eventual recall effort against Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin which ended in dismal humiliation for unions. The reason was not Koch brother money; it was the tax payer and the voter flexing their political muscles which is something unions and the Left fail to understand and cannot fathom. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.redstate.com/diary/davenj1/2015/08/10/republicans-conservatives-unions-part-2/

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Republicans, Conservatives, and Unions- Part 3

By: davenj1 (Diary) | August 11th, 2015 at 01:11 AM


If the Democratic Party wants to play class warfare, then by all means let us play that game. But, let’s put all the facts on the table and nowhere are those facts more obvious than when it comes to public worker unions. At the federal level, the average salary is $72,000 compared to the national average of slightly over $50,000. Throw in the lucrative pension and health care plans exacted from government over the years and there is greater disparity. And the same holds true for public worker unions at the state and local level. In fact, one needs to consider that state obligations to union pension plans alone total over $1 trillion nationally, and is it any wonder that states with this fiscal disaster staring themselves in the face would attempt to address the problem by exacting concessions from unions? However, Democrats and labor portray this as a war on the worker or an attack on the middle class. Are government workers making over $100,000 annually the “middle class” they supposedly are fighting for? Scissors-32x32.png


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